Michael Bloomberg is the man who can beat Donald Trump and his likely entry into the race to become President is to be celebrated suggests Matthew Steeples
Michael Bloomberg KBE, 77, has money and business experience, but he has something else that Donald Trump, 73, lacks – the ability to cross the political divide.
Entering the race because he supposedly “fears current Democratic candidates are not equipped to defeat” the 45th President, the billionaire businessman and ex-mayor of New York City has reportedly dispatched his aides to Alabama – the state with the earliest filing deadline for the presidential campaign.
Speaking on behalf of this John Hopkins University graduate and ex-Salomon Brothers partner, Howard Wolfson, described as a “longtime Bloomberg adviser” by CBS News, last night remarked:
“If Mike runs he would offer a new choice to Democrats built on a unique record running America’s biggest city, building a business from scratch and taking on some of America’s toughest challenges as a high-impact philanthropist. Based on his record of accomplishment, leadership and his ability to bring people together to drive change, Mike would be able to take the fight to Trump and win.”
Bloomberg – whose political stances can be broadly described as “socially liberal” and “fiscally conservative” – is just the man America needs right now. What a pity we don’t have someone similarly measured here in Great Britain.
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