Matthew Steeples calls for Theresa May to follow her resigning ministers and JUST GO
Today was a moment in history. First, Theresa May lost a fair few cabinet ministers and then she stupidly claimed: “A good Brexit is possible.”
This deranged and shabbily dressed woman – sadly not even taken on by the equally incompetent Commie Jeremy Corbyn – was given free reign in the House of Incompetents (where most MPs sat playing on their mobile phones) to stupidly announce we’d have “an ambitious future” and a “brighter future for our country.”
With the pound crashing and companies fleeing from our borders, Mrs May – deserted by even that well-known GMTV knicker flasher Esther McVey – faced questions from Ken Clarke who rightly pointed out that we will lose “huge flows of inwards investment.” As a counterpoint, the pugnacious but this time on the point Iain Duncan Smith remarked: “My concern is that we had the sovereign right… But we do not have the sovereign right to leave this arrangement.”
Basically, we live in a land that has become a joke. Even ‘The Vulcan’ John Redwood got it: “This House now has a clear choice… £39 billion has just been said for nothing.”
It is time for Theresa May to go and it is time she did it now.
#MakeNovemberTheEndOfMay #BringHerDown
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