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The turbo ligger

The turbo ligger - Sandra Shevey and Denis Doble

Matthew Steeples highlights the pinnacle of the gatecrashing community and cites Denis Doble and Sandra Shevey as prime examples of ‘turbo liggers’


There are ‘liggers’ and then there are ‘turbo liggers’. Fine examples of this thankfully rare species number Denis Doble and Sandra Shevey.


The reaction of turbo ligger Sandra Shevey when she realised she’d been captured on camera
Shevey later took to Twitter to complain about the incident


The feature that sets a turbo ligger apart from their lesser cousins are nuttiness, bravado and delusional tendencies. Whilst the simple gatecrasher has a desire to ‘lig’ canapés and booze, the turbo ligger seeks out much more.


Whether wielding business cards purporting to be a senior Oxford University representative or creating webpages to falsely spread claims to be members of the press, the turbo ligger is nothing but a determined sort.


Getting in is one thing but these upper level gatecrashers want both recognition and respect. Sadly for them it’s more likely they’ll be shown something else: The door.



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