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Hero of the Hour – J. K. Rowling

Author J. K. Rowling was right to support Maya Forstater and she should not be insulted for her perfectly factual tweet

J. K. Rowling is never anything but forthright, but in coming to the defence of Maya Forstater – a woman who was sacked for a perfectly true tweet that sated “men cannot become women” – she has put her voice to good use.


In response to news that tax expert Miss Forstater had failed to overturn her dismal at an employment tribunal, Rowling herself took to Twitter and remarked:


Dress however you please.

Call yourself whatever you like.

Sleep with any consenting adult who’ll have you.

Live your best life in peace and security.

But force women out of their jobs for stating that sex is real?

#IStandWithMaya #ThisIsNotADrill


Today, we join those saluting J. K. Rowling. Those branding her a “transphobe” and “TERF” (“trans exclusionary radical feminist”) should themselves be ashamed of themselves.




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