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Picture of the Week: The smoking highway

Three Arabic men decide to enjoy a spot of shisha on the A4 as Cara Delevingne looks on


The ‘Ramadan Rush’ is nearly over but in spotting the image that we make our Picture of the Week, Monika Agata Maron truly captured how ridiculous Knightsbridge has become during this period.


The A4 was not really designed to be a shisha smoking spot
The A4 was not really designed to be a shisha smoking spot

The shot of three Arabic youngsters sat in the middle of Brompton Road by Topshop smoking shisha speaks volumes about how these visitors choose to behave when they come to the capital. Here was not some sporadic decision to stand and take a puff; here, in fact, is a planned and deliberate decision to sit on chairs and smoke and drink in the middle of the A4.


Monika Agata Maron posted the image to her Facebook page and responses included “that’s pretty uncool” and “they must have crack in that pipe”. One local added: “To me this is unacceptable in my area and [I] hope the police dealt with them”. Another concluded “[that’s] pretty dangerous… It would just take one Russian in a armoured plated Mercedes G Wagon to squash them”.


Arabs posing in their supercars on the streets of SW1, SW3, SW7 is now something that locals have grown used to; them turning the main highway to Heathrow into a smoking spot is not.



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