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Galen and Hilary Weston

Galen and Hilary Weston

Galen and Hilary WestonWorth some £6.5 billion ($9.7 billion) as of April 2015, Toronto and Windsor, Florida based Galen and Hilary Weston control an empire that includes Selfridges and Fortnum & Mason. Other family assets number Loblaws, Canada’s largest supermarket chain, and the Heal’s chain of furniture retailers in the UK. Of his career, British born father of two Galen Weston concluded: “I’ve been a bag boy a thousand times in five languages” whilst of her own beginnings, his Irish model turned 26th Lieutenant Governor of Ontario wife once remarked: “I was a sort of muse. In a way, at that time, [I] was representing Irish fashion”.


The 2014 Canadian Arts and Business Awards: The Honourable Hilary M. Weston



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