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Oliver Rothschild (AKA “The Fake Rothschild”)

Oliver Rothschild (AKA “The Fake Rothschild”)

Oliver Rothschild (AKA “The Fake Rothschild”)A regular on the party circuit in London, self-described “International Man of Excellence” Oliver Rothschild was exposed by The Telegraph as a “fake Rothschild” in March 2016. Spotted often at the same gatherings as (Baroness) Marie-Claire von Alvensleben, Denis Doble and David Pun, Rothschild was marketed by the Tsinghua University as “a core member of the prominent Rothschild family, a global financial investor, an entrepreneurial strategist and a philanthropist” and the “star attraction” at a business breakfast for the Reignwood Group, owners of Wentworth Golf Course. In reality, whilst his Wikipedia page lists him as an expert in “real estate, IT, entertainment, media, PR, the fine arts and antiques”, others have elsewhere claimed he actually lives a far simpler life in Cricklewood with his mum.



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