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A Planted Prat

A Planted Prat – Lewis Hamilton launches plant based diner Neat Burger – That Lewis Hamilton has chosen to open a “planet friendly” restaurant is surely a joke given his penchant for gas guzzlers.

That Lewis Hamilton has chosen to open a “planet friendly” restaurant is surely a joke given his penchant for gas guzzlers

Lewis Hamilton is best known for going fast in gas guzzlers, but now it seems this ‘paper hat’ has found a conscience and joined ‘PJ’ loving Prince Harry and his wife in going on an environmental crusade.


Opened yesterday, Hamilton’s “planet friendly” restaurant, Neat Burger in Princes Street, W1, is part of the Cream Group – a company whose website contradictorily leads with the motto: “Cash rules everything around me.”


The involvement of the vegan racing driver is lauded as having caused “the plant-based burger business to hit the mainstream” and in comments to Hot Dinners, he sanctimoniously remarked:


“I’m very passionate about being kinder to our world and also really respect Neat Burger’s commitment to more ethical practices and supporting small businesses, so this is something I’m also really proud to support. But it is also about the product. As someone who follows a plant-based diet, I believe we need a healthier high street option that tastes amazing but also offers something exciting to those who want to be meat-free every now and again.”


What next for Hamilton? A double up with “the grinch” Bernie Ecclestone to launch a restaurant for skin flints?


Pictured top: The interior of Neat Burger looks to be as about as appealing as the thought of spending a night with Heather Mills.


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