Ben Fogle suggests that he could have been poisoned by a Russian spy
Ben Fogle’s rise to the middle realms of “fame” is something I’ve always found puzzling. Don’t get me wrong, he’s an affable chap and I have utterly no problem with him but whenever he comes on the screen, I find myself simply asking: “Why on earth is this man famous?”
Mr Fogle featured in The Telegraph’s ‘Mandrake’ column, written by great friends of The Steeple Times Tim Walker and Richard Eden, this morning and frankly made the most preposterous of suggestions I’ve heard in years. Even though he had to admit it sounded “far-fetched”, he went ahead and alleged that he could have been poisoned by a Russian spy. Has the man gone bonkers?

In February, Mr Fogle appeared in various articles in relation to an incident in Gloucestershire. The television presenter, best known for appearing on the 2000 BBC reality series Castaway, returned from a drinking session in a pub and had a “full-on psychotic episode” which resulted in him:
“Acting like a madman. I thought I was doomed. I thought I was going to die. I picked my daughter up and she felt incredibly light, like a grain of rice. I suddenly had this compulsion to jump through a window. My wife ran out and got my friends who had to restrain me”.
Mr Fogle, who also began impersonating Monty Python’s Ministry of Silly Walks routine, was rushed to hospital and reported the incident to the police. He appealed for the person who he claims spiked his drink with LSD to come forward but now he’s got another theory following the arrest of a CIA agent named Ryan Fogle in Moscow this week.
Fogle told Mandrake:
“It’s a strange coincidence that a man with the same surname as me has been caught in Russia… My drink was spiked just a week after I returned from Russia, and it wasn’t far from where Boris Berezovsky lived, so they could have had us confused. Also, I always get held in a room at the airport everytime I fly to America… Something doesn’t add up, I mean I have never met another Fogle”.
April Fool’s Day has been and gone. Perhaps Mr Fogle missed it.
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The mind FOGLES… Oops… I meant BOGGLES. Has he got a new TV show out anytime soon?
I love that Gillian…fogles…I will use that!±
A bit of self-promotion perhaps ?
What an absolute load of tosh. Two colleagues of mine have been poisoned, I belive, by Russians. One – Sasha Litvinenko died. The other, Oleg Gordievsky survived but is still in a frail state. Fogle is self-deluded if he thinks he is of the slightest interest to the SVR.
I even “believe”!