A quote that should guide voters on the 7th May
Our Quote of the Week sums up the reality of what an Ed Milband-led Labour government might mean for Britain.
It reads:
a bunch of rich people
convincing poor people
to vote for rich people
by telling poor people
that ‘other’ rich people
are the reason they’re poor
Those who are able to vote this Thursday should remember this. Vote Conservative.
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That’s the same bunch of rich people, who helped 2 poor people become rich by telling the world they should become rich because they didn’t kill their daughter she was abducted.
What are you on about? Stick to the point not the pints
How right you are! Old bean 🙂
What’s all this old cobbles about the rich & poor?! Are we all a bunch of school kids?! And we don’t know the poor have no say what so ever in this great UK of ours. When we vote we are just telling the aristocrats our innermost feelings and how we might be going towards a revolution! And maybe cut there greedy f…… Heads off. In that way they will always have the poor man in the street buy the sort & Curly’s! No what I mean Harry?
The noble class of barons in Great Britain are the cruel bullyboy’s of a British history! That’s why Margaret Thatcher was made a baron! And boy was she an evil bastard.
Excuse my grammar I,m just an ignorant part of the riff raff and never went to Eton or Harrow!
To the tune of ‘ We’ll keep the red flag flying here ‘
All together now……….(and this includes you too Gillian )
‘ The working class can kiss my arse; I’ve got the foreman’s job at last ‘
This quote is bang on the nail!!!!!!!
Scratch a Socialist enough and a Capitalist will show though.
Its just Horses for Courses.
Bring on the Right to buy and see how opinion changes on the Bedroom Tax…