This Lancastrian tycoon transformed the Dragons’ Den with her 80s style shoulder pads and comments such as “he made my foot itch”. Thrice married Devey has five homes around the world and claims to have “felt sexism in every way conceiveable”. She’s “proud to pay tax” and dubs David Cameron “weak”. By ‘eck.
Hilary Devey
This Lancastrian tycoon transformed the Dragons’ Den with her 80s style shoulder pads and comments such as “he made my foot itch”. Thrice married Devey has five homes around the world and claims to have “felt sexism in every way conceiveable”. She’s “proud to pay tax” and dubs David Cameron “weak”. By ‘eck.
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Well, Hilary says she is thinking of going into politics. If so, she would be a very refreshing addition to what has become a very turgid Mother of Parliaments. As our American cousins might say: Let,s watch her kick ass!