The “text-and-tell” replaces the “kiss-and-tell”
In the 1990s Sunday morning’s began with the nation rushing to the newsstands to see which politician and personality was the latest to fall victim to a “kiss-and-tell” by some lover or other that they’d failed to leave their husband or wife for.

Organised by the likes of Max Clifford (now rather ironically himself convicted and jailed for sex offences), the “kiss-and-tell” commanded huge sums to those who partook in them the likes of Antonia de Sancha and Bienvenida Buck were amongst those to make their names from them.
This weekend, however, the term has evolved to reflect the modern era and in his announcement that he will resign at the next election, Brooks Newmark MP declared that the “text-and-tell” story he had been involved in was the reason for his decision. Times and language may change, but one thing will remain the same: In a hundred years politicians will still be resigning for just the same reasons.
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Urgh will still be urgh ………….hopefully
Who said ‘ the fact that someone aspires to be a Member of Parliament should immediately disqualify them
A very good point, very well made.
Indeed, where is Zac Goldsmith and his total recall? He makes no comment on this one…….
There is no need for Zac to suggest anything given Brooks Newmark has already stated he is stepping down. I think his loss is a sad one given his entrapment by The Mirror. He made a stupid error and he is a fool for having done what he did, but otherwise it is generally acknowledged that he has been a good MP. He is a rare commodity in that regard and I’d rather he’d stayed and others like Nadine Dorries, Theresa May and Harriet Harman be sent on their merry way.
The Mirror exposed his true character and his desire to pursue young women.
Filthy bastard, instead of serving his constituents and performing his ministerial duties, he finds the time for lewd, shameless and sinful acts, and still have the bloody cheek to claim expenses while he is at it. There is definitely lascivious behaviour in Westminister, no wonder they struggle to focus on the job in hand. It is a travesty.
Although she has attracted a number of brickbats over the years, I have found Bienvenida Buck really charming company. Our relationship has always been platonic I might add as she amusingly espoused the tenets of her book “The Making of a Modern Mistress”. A regular visitor to my flat we would slurp champagne while she was accompanied by her little King Charles spaniel. She was funny, self-deprecating and wickedly gossipy! The last time I saw her was with you Matthew attending Aliona Adrianova’s exhibition. Lady Buck was one of Aliona’s photographic subjects.