Friday, October 18, 2024

Cancerous Rolf Harris – Evil Paedophile ‘Entertainer’ “Gravely Sick”

Rotten-to-his-core convicted paedophile ‘entertainer’ Rolf Harris may have cancer, but his refusal to apologise to his multiple victims speaks volumes as to his continuing vileness

In August, it was announced that the nonagenarian nonce Rolf Harris would be featured in a forthcoming ITV documentary titled Hiding In Plain Sight, but now the perverted predator’s chums have bashed back. Ludicrously, these people of minds clearly stir-fried are attempting to garner sympathy for the sickening scumbag.


In an article for the Daily Mail Australia yesterday, the paper’s Kylie Stevens reported that the Bray, Berkshire based “disgraced entertainer” – who often used to love a nosh up at a curry house favoured by Theresa May in the locality – is, thankfully for those not keen on hearing his rip-roaringly awful renditions of the now clearly inappropriately titled Jake The Peg and Two Little Boys, “unable to speak and fed by tubes.”


“Battling neck cancer” according to “neighbours and friends” including one Portia Wooderson – who claimed: “He can’t eat anymore” – Stevens added that the author of Rolf Harris: The Defence Team’s Special Investigator Reveals the Truth Behind the Trials William Merritt whined: “He prefers to be on his own and ‘doesn’t particularly like kids’ as he ‘hates the noise.’”


Strangely, Merritt forgot to explain why this evil Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport singing monster decided in February 2019 to “visit” the Oldfield Primary School in Maidenhead to “wave at children.” Curious that; very curious indeed.


Pictured top – Rabid ratbag Rolf Harris (left) with his dog. Supposedly his “health took a turn for the worse after the sudden death of his beloved poodle earlier this year” and (right) with his daughter repugnant daughter Bindi Nicholls and apologist niece Jenny Harris arriving at court in November 2017. It is an outrage that this arrogant cretin has more sympathy for a dead dog than his victims and that he penned a song called ‘Gutter Girls’ of them in 2015 is shocking though not surprising. Shame on him.


On Twitter this morning, Matthew Steeples asked: “Should convicted paedophile Rolf Harris be forced to giving an apology to his victims or offered sympathy following news that this rotten-to-his-core abuser has cancer?” The overwhelming response this far was a most certain “of course he should.”
That the convicted child abuser paedophile Rolf Harris “hates the noise” of children seems most perplexing given his February 2019 visit to the Oldfield Primary School in Maidenhead, Berkshire to “wave” at children. One can only surmise that this noxious nonce doth protest too much.
Theresa May curry
Lady May MP is often to be found dining with her ‘Garden Gnome-like’ hubby Sir Philip in Malik’s Tandoori House in Cookham, Berkshire. Here, the owner, is pictured serving her and also posing with another regular, her constituent and convicted paedophile Rolf Harris and his wicked wife Alwyn Hughes.
Stuart Hall and Max Clifford
The evil ‘entertainer’ was convicted in an era when justice was also done with the convictions of fellow paedophiles Stuart Hall and Max Clifford.
Sir Cliff Richard
The ironically titled given his ‘love of children’ and abusing them ‘Two Little Boys’ singer with the crackpot crazy creepy Christian crooner Sir Cliff Richard. Shouldn’t the Aussie paedophile have been deported after his release from jail in May 2017?
Bizarrely there are still people out there who seek to defend and justify the twisted antics of this criminal sex offender. Amongst them are individuals going by the names of William B. Merritt and Mark Walker. The book by the former of the two, a private investigator, came out remarkably in May 2022 in paperback format and shockingly attempts to claim the Australian abuser innocent and his very much-deserved convictions “sinister.” Sickeningly Merritt goes as far to allege: “Harris had no chance. Rolf was an entertainer he was a kind, artistic man who had spent most of his relying on others to manage and organize his working life. He had no experience in the rough and tumble world.”
In August this year, of the Australian nonce, one Twitter user, James Tryand, shared: “When I was a child, if we naughty in class, we were sent outside the classroom to stare at the wall. For one class, this involved staring at a picture drawn by Rolf Harris when visited the school, So, for me, he will always be associated with the punishment of children.”

‘Gutter Girls’ by Rolf Harris

In 2015, this audacious Australian abuser penned a sordid ‘song’ in which he described his multiple victims as “slimy little woodworms.” It should have been banned on grounds of obscenity and was sickly titled Gutter Girls.


It outrageously went as follows:


Climb up out of the woodwork babe

From forty years ago,

The climate’s great in Britain now

For making loads of dough

You’ve festered down there long enough,

Time’s right to grab your chance

Clap eyes on a rich celebrity

And make the bastard dance



Make him squirm, slimy little woodworm

Make him squirm, squirm, squirm

Sink your claws right in to the hilt, don’t let him go


(Group) NO! NO!


Make him burn, burn, burn

Slimy little woodworm, make him burn

Get your fifty-years-old hooks into his dough


(Group) GO BABY GO


That old bandwagon you crawled out of

(rotten to the core)

Conceals a host of foul accusers,

Twenty maybe more

My guess is they’ll slide after you

All following your stench,

Perhaps you believe you’re pretty still

Some perfumed sultry wench



“Make him squirm”,

I can hear you singing

“Make him squirm, squirm, squirm:

Just imagine all of the money waiting there”


(Group) OH YEAH!

Make him burn, burn, burn

Come and join the feeding frenzy girls,

Don’t miss out, come on and join me for your share




Matthew Steeples
Matthew Steeples
A graduate of the London School of Economics, Matthew Steeples is a writer and marketing consultant. He conceived The Steeple Times as a media arena to fill the void between the Mail Online, The Huffington Post and such organs as the New York Social Diary in 2012.


  1. There are so many instances of vulgar writing on this web-page that it is of a quality beneath that of the traditional gutter-press.

    • @I
      I’m uncertain whether that is a positve or negative post about the above article.
      Please tell me which it is.

  2. The jury found him guilty in 2014 from “pattern of behavior” evidence. Yet in 2017 one of his convictions (Wendy Rosher) was overturned after a mountain of evidence proving he had never been to Leigh Park community center in Portsmouth. So in theory the jury should have been brought back to answer the question: “if he was innocent of 1 of those charges – do you still think he’s guilty of the other charges?”. Rolf may indeed have been a filth old groper, but anyone can see that trial fell well short of the standard we all expect from the British justice system. William Merrit’s book was long over due.

    • What utter rot.

      How do you excuse him going to a school after getting out of prison and waving at children? He surely knew that was a breach of his parole conditions.

      Rolf Harris is a filthy nonce and when he croaks, I will join his poor victims in celebrating. I wish he’d just hurry up and get gone to join his chum Jimmy Savile.

  3. An 87 year old man waved to some children ? This reply shows you are not thinking right. I suggest you READ the book

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