Sunday, September 8, 2024

Morons of the Moment 2022 – Despicable Just Stop Oil Vandals

The Just Stop Oil ‘protestors’ who attacked a Van Gogh yesterday should be branded as what they truly are: Moronic vandals; that their organisation is funded by a member of the Getty family is even more outrageous

Vexatious vicenarians Anna Holland and Phoebe Plummer are due at Westminster Magistrates’ Court today after being charged with criminal damage to Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’ (1888) oil painting at the National Gallery in London.


At 11am yesterday, these Just Stop Oil ‘protestors’ (as they’d like to brand themselves; we’ll instead term them ‘brainless vandals’) entered Room 43 at the gallery and threw an orange substance believed to be Heinz tomato soup at the painting. They then glued themselves to the wall beneath it and started shouting.


The pink haired half of this deranged pair of deviants launched into what Metro termed a “rambling tirade” and ranted:


“What is worth more, art of life? Is it worth more than food, worth more than justice?”


“Are you more concerned about the protection of a painting or the protection of our planet and people?”


“The cost of living crisis is part of the cost of oil crisis. Fuel is unaffordable to millions of cold, hungry families. They can’t even afford to heat a tin of soup.”


“We cannot afford more oil and gas. It is going to take everything we know and love. We will [unintelligible]…”


At this point security guards cleared the room to spare other visitors listening to these attention-seeking, moronic maniacs and to allow the Metropolitan Police access to arrest 20-year-old Newcastle resident Holland and 21-year-old Clapham resident Plummer.


Valued at a sum of at least £75.3 million ($84.2 million, €86.6 million or درهم309.2 million), the painting was fortunately protected by a piece of glass but National Gallery sources later confirmed: “There is some minor damage to the frame, but the painting is unharmed.”


In a statement late Friday, scumbags associated with the duo raged: “The art establishment, artists and the art-loving public need to step up into civil resistance if they want to live a world where humans are around to appreciate art.”


Subsequently, however, Holland and Plummer were deservedly condemned for their totally irrational and utterly pointless prank. On Twitter, one user called the pugnacious pair “Hooray Henrietta thugs” whilst broadcaster Janet Street-Porter added: “[Does] vandalising a masterpiece make a point about the cost of living? Well done Phoebe and Anna – you are just a couple of twerps.”


Another, Russ Jones, sensibly concluded:


“What on earth has Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’ got to do with oil? Why not shove Michelangelo’s ‘David’ into the sea to stop oil? Pound a mammoth skeleton into dust to stop oil? Stab a dolphin? Piss onto a puffin? I’m completely behind stopping oil, but this seems mad.”


Ironically, Aileen Getty gave £447,000 ($500,000, €514,000 or درهم1.8 million) to Climate Emergency Fund (CEF) – sponsors of Just Stop Oil’s obnoxious activities which also includes blocking roads used by ambulances rushing people to hospitals in the UK– in 2019. Her Getty Oil founder grandfather is no doubt spinning in his grave.


The disgraceful duo behind this pointless protest must have alerted members of the media in advance as cameras were present to capture their disgraceful action. Shame on the media present for not alerting the police and National Gallery. This disgrace clearly could have been prevented.
Metropolitan Police arrest
The Metropolitan Police, for once, did a great job and swiftly dragged Holland and Plummer down to the nick – along with their can of Heinz tomato soup.
New Scotland Yard
In a separate incident yesterday afternoon, another member of the same group sprayed orange paint over the New Scotland Yard sign outside the Metropolitan Police headquarters. Lora Johnson, 38, of Southwold was subsequently also arrested and charged.
Aileen Getty
Hypocritical heiress Aileen Getty’s wealth stems from oil, yet she spends her wealth funding morons who go around attacking oil paintings. She ought to consider the ridiculousness of her position given that she lives off wealth created from oil – the very thing those she funds are so hateful of.

Twitter reactions to the mindless vandalism of a Van Gogh…

Matthew Steeples
Matthew Steeples
A graduate of the London School of Economics, Matthew Steeples is a writer and marketing consultant. He conceived The Steeple Times as a media arena to fill the void between the Mail Online, The Huffington Post and such organs as the New York Social Diary in 2012.


  1. How about vandalizing the homes, cars and electronic devices of the two perps (perps? I look at too many forensic file type shows) all in the name of their Just Stop Oil cause?

  2. Absolute brainless twats, we just had the same thing down under with two morons gluing themselves to a Picasso. What makes my blood boil is they will go to court and probably just get a slap on the wrists. One of them, a retired school teacher remarked, he would do it again in a flash. Thankfully this twerp never taught my kids.
    It’s just blatant vandalism and they need to get 12 months prison, and ordered to pay for any damage.

  3. Oh brother…unfortunately that is not the last ignorant association they will make in their short lives. Everyone knows Vincent is responsible for inflation and oil spills…I wonder which high octane energy drink they had swilled…

  4. Well goodness gracious, I’ve seen 6 year olds that are more mature acting than these Einstein wannabes. They need their own walled off community..Perhaps they could also benefit from psychiatric counseling. Just a thought. 🤔

  5. All discretely supported by the government to aid the ridiculous green agenda……definitely, like many organisations, a government created movement to serve an agenda………

    • Created by the government to aid the ridiculous green agenda. Excellent post & I concur 100%. Same with the WEF. These are all created to make the wealthy & their cronies even wealthier. I believe people are starting to wake up to this craziness. These same people preach to us about fossil.fuel & those same people drive gas guzzling subs &,fly on their fancy private jets. What s bunch of phonies!

  6. Agendas…whoa…they are ubiquitous and often lose their focus in mid stream it seems. Governments and Leaders ( self designed and terminally pulled on the rack of public self interest ) are seeming Medieval as time whooshes by…I miss Queen Elizabeth 2nd….more than I thought I would…and I knew I would.

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