Friday, October 18, 2024

Spacey Unmasked – Kevin Spacey’s Agent & ‘Close Chum’ Evan Lowenstein Rants At ‘The Steeple Times’ About Channel 4 Exposé Into Actor

Ahead of tonight’s airing of Channel 4’s much-anticipated ‘Spacey Unmasked’, Kevin Spacey’s ‘close chum’ and agent Evan Lowenstein launches bizarre rant at ‘The Steeple Times’s’ Matthew Steeples

Tonight at 9pm, Channel 4 will air the first episode of what is expected be a very punchy two-part exposé about the controversial mate of the in-the-clink mucky madam Ghislaine Maxwell and the croaked paedophile Jeffrey Epstein, the former House of Cards American remake ‘star’ Kevin Spacey.


In the run up to this ‘must-watch,’ in response to a perfectly reasonable tweet, the New Jersey born actor-producer’s self-declared “best friend” and agent since 2016, Evan Lowenstein, yesterday launched a bizarre rant at The Steeple Times.


An ensuing pile-on naturally followed from Spacey ‘groupies’ on the social media platform and it highlighted one thing; Lowenstein, the agent for an individual – who has been described to me by respected actors and producers who’ve worked with Spacey as “arrogant, acerbic and weird” (by the more charitable amongst them) – is clearly not exactly suited to the world of public relations or crisis management.


Marketed by Channel 4 on their website as “a forensic look at Kevin Spacey’s rise and fall from grace amid allegations of inappropriate sexual behaviour,” the show, titled Spacey Unmasked, will include “several men [speaking] about their experiences with the actor.”


Reportedly featuring previously unquoted individuals describing Spacey as “a soulless monster,” “like a shark” and someone who allegedly took the attitude: “I can do this, I can do this to you, I’m Kevin Spacey,” of the documentary The Hollywood Reporter’s Lilly Ford last week shared:


“In between clips of prolific award wins and talk-show wisecracks, Spacey Unmasked features the testimonies of a group of men — identified by their first names only — that span five decades, ranging from a teenage Spacey at high school to the height of his House of Cards fame, as well as his time at the Old Vic.”


“In Spacey Unmasked, one actor, Scott, tells viewers: ‘If you don’t pay the toll in sexual favors [sic], you’ll have a decent career, but you won’t see your name in lights.’”


“Spacey’s brother, Randy, is also interviewed. He says in the doc that he was sexually abused by their father, who held ‘Nazi meetings’ at their family home as a teenager. His brother Kevin was not abused to his knowledge – though that doesn’t mean there wasn’t ‘psychological trauma,’ Randy adds.”


“The allegations in Spacey Unmasked also include that the star pushed his groin into the face of an Old Vic worker while serving as the venue’s director and that he masturbated in front of an aspiring actor as they watched Saving Private Ryan in a public theatre [sic], before trying to move the victim’s hand to join in.”


Last Thursday, objecting to the show’s airing, Spacey took to Twitter himself and raged: “I will not sit back and be attacked by a dying network’s one-sided ‘documentary’ about me in their desperate attempt for ratings. There’s a proper channel to handle allegations against me and it’s not Channel 4.”


He then laughably accused the award-winning channel of giving him too short a window to respond to the statements made in the programme and ranted: “I have repeated requested that Channel 4 afford me more than 7 days to respond to allegations made against me dating back 48 years and provide me with sufficient details to investigate these matters. Channel 4 has refused on the basis that they feel that asking for a response in 7 days to new, anonymized and non-specific allegations is a ‘fair opportunity’ for me to refute any allegations made against me.”


Spacey then bizarrely gave an ‘interview’ via Twitter to the disgraced and quite rightly fired GB News presenter Dan Wootton – someone best known for the poison he’d penned about Susan Boyle and Johnny Depp. In it he came across as “irrational” and “deranged” according to those that have watched it (I am blocked by Wootton on Twitter so have not seen it myself).


In response, Channel 4 quite rightly remarked: “Kevin Spacey has been given sufficient opportunity to respond,” whilst in turn I added on Twitter:


“I stand with Dorothy Byrne FRTS [the hugely respected BAFTA and Emmy award winning executive producer of Spacey Unmasked and the former head of news and current affairs at Channel 4 for 15 years] and Channel 4 and those speaking out. 7 days is more than enough time to respond. Knowing what I know about Kevin Spacey, I must say I only found him arrogant, acerbic and weird.”


Whilst I did not anticipate any kind of reply from anyone close to the actor, the first came from Spacey’s very own agent – though I at first did not have a clue who he even was – and someone he most recently declared his “best friend,” Evan Lowenstein. It read:


“Are we now at the point of Dorothy asking all her friends to help support? I do appreciate you admitting that you ‘ONLY found him to be arrogant, acerbic and weird.’ FWIW, based on your post, I find you to be desperate and ignorant. And maybe even a good friend.”


I answered: “I don’t know Dorothy [Byrne], but I do know a respected actor/producer who was treated appallingly by Spacey during his tenure at The Old Vic. I witnessed one episode and as for Spacey’s friendship with paedos Ghislaine Maxwell & Jeffrey Epstein, that is a very clear mark of the ‘man.’”


“I’ve no idea who you are & that you call me ‘desperate’ is odd. ‘Desperate’ for what? Supporting perfectly reasonably 7-day journalistic requests is clearly something you want silenced. I can only assume you are a friend of Kevin Spacey. Were you a friend of Maxwell/Epstein too?”


After a further Lowenstein reply in which he said he’d “try to be more careful” (and my having discovered who he actually is), my final missive read: “You might also wish to pass on the need for being ‘more careful’ to your client Kevin Spacey and his weird choice of associate, the scumbag Dan Wootton. He is a vile specimen who was abusive about the divine Susan Boyle. Terming a true lady ‘volatile’ was beyond twisted and sick.”


Going further, however, in the hours running up to the airing of the programme on Monday the clearly dimwitted dunce Lowenstein, a fine example of someone when in a hole incapable of stopping digging, decided to return to the fray to further insult me. The bombastic bore, without citing any kind of evidence, predictably tittle-tattled:


“Steeples gets no views on his posts. He’s only engaging to help his view count. He’s a great example of Dunning-Kruger effect. The less you know about something the more confident you are about it. Also see: ignorance. I suggest we ignore.”


Asked for comment on Sunday of “talent manager with no other client” Lowenstein’s remarks, a veteran, respected senior Daily Mail journalist told The Steeple Times: “I don’t know him, but he sounds pretty odious though.”


A photographer, who snapped Spacey in “times happier,” of the actor added: “Too many in the high echelons of film fall for these members of what some call ‘The Club’ and ignore what it suits them to ignore. Nobody in the movie world wants to turn off the cash cow after all – even if they know that seriously sordid things are going on. Spacey’s friendships with Prince Andrew, Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein speak volumes.”


Elsewhere, in January 2019, the’s Jose Lambiet shared that the “former boy-bander’s” now ex-wife, Kassini Lowenstein, “submitted a petition to modify her divorce settlement” after claiming she “asked the former husband not to allow [their] minor children to interact with Spacey.”


Supposedly worried that her former husband “had been attached at Spacey’s hip since he took over the thespian’s career in 2016,” Kassini Lowenstein also alleged that their children were “consistently let down when he fails to spend any time with them.”


Editor’s note – Unlike as is the case in many publications, this article was NOT sponsored or supported by a third-party. Follow Matthew Steeples on Twitter at @M_Steeples and watch his current nightly show on YouTube at 8.30pm daily.


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Kevin Spacey Evan Lowenstein
Kevin Spacey always seems to have Evan Lowenstein very close to him. According to Hannah Gillott for ‘The Jewish Chronicle’ in July 2023: “Many believe that the manager and friend of the actor was the one ‘calling the shots’ in the trial, and the brain behind the operation to rehabilitate the disgraced star.” She added of the “one-hit wonder” who shared a “brief flirtation with fame in 200” with his brother Jaron with a single titled ‘Crazy for this Girl’: “[He] got the job with Spacey after the actor fired his previous manager in 2016, just before allegations against him surfaced in 2017. He got the job – according to a former associate – because he’s ‘good looking and charismatic.’ Lowenstein then reportedly removed all of Spacey’s team, and became a friend and confidant to the actor, and the two were seen together in 2016 at events from the Emmys to a Djokovic match at the US Open… Spacey called him his ‘best friend’ and ‘the brother [he] never had.’”
The tweet by Matthew Steeples that so clearly triggered Spacey’s Orthodox Jewish agent and ‘close chum.’
The tweet by Matthew Steeples that so clearly triggered Spacey’s Orthodox Jewish agent and ‘close chum.’
Evan Lowenstein’s response clearly indicates that he’s not exactly in the league of ‘Prince of Darkness’ Peter Mandelson when it comes to dealing with communications or crisis management. His irrational response and accusations that Matthew Steeples was a “friend… maybe even a good friend” of the producer of ‘Spacey Unmasked’ (completely untrue) are simply proof he’s actually just a crackpot and a bit of cack-handed ignoramus. He might do better to return to the world of “boy-banding” (or go hang out with the equally PR inept wench formerly known as Meghan Markle).
Evan Lowenstein’s response clearly indicates that he’s not exactly in the league of ‘Prince of Darkness’ Peter Mandelson when it comes to dealing with communications or crisis management. His irrational response and accusations that Matthew Steeples was a “friend… maybe even a good friend” of the producer of ‘Spacey Unmasked’ (completely untrue) are simply proof he’s actually just a crackpot and a bit of cack-handed ignoramus. He might do better to return to the world of “boy-banding” (or go hang out with the equally PR inept wench formerly known as Meghan Markle).
On Monday 6th May 2024, in the hours just before Channel 4’s first airing of ‘Spacey Unmasked,’ rabid ranter Evan Lowenstein returned to Twitter to have another pop at Matthew Steeples and in doing so encouraged the deranged supporters of #SpaceyRighttoRepy to pester him further and attack press freedom. Without citing any evidence, the desperado PR prattler stated: “Steeples gets no views on his posts. He’s only engaging to help his view count. He’s a great example of Dunning-Kruger effect. The less you know about something the more confident you are about it. Also see: ignorance. I suggest we ignore.” My response: “You really aren't very good at crisis management. That you refuse to explain your client's relationship with the paedos Ghislaine Maxwell & Jeffrey Epstein is what truly sickens people like me. I know 3 of Maxwell's 5 victims. They deserve sympathy; not your whining ‘chum’ client.”
On Monday 6th May 2024, in the hours just before Channel 4’s first airing of ‘Spacey Unmasked,’ rabid ranter Evan Lowenstein returned to Twitter to have another pop at Matthew Steeples and in doing so encouraged the deranged supporters of #SpaceyRighttoRepy to pester him further and attack press freedom. Without citing any evidence, the desperado PR prattler stated: “Steeples gets no views on his posts. He’s only engaging to help his view count. He’s a great example of Dunning-Kruger effect. The less you know about something the more confident you are about it. Also see: ignorance. I suggest we ignore.” My response: “You really aren’t very good at crisis management. That you refuse to explain your client’s relationship with the paedos Ghislaine Maxwell & Jeffrey Epstein is what truly sickens people like me. I know 3 of Maxwell’s 5 victims. They deserve sympathy; not your whining ‘chum’ client… And as for “ignoring” me, if I’m so ‘irrelevant’ and ‘get no views,’ why did you bother pestering me in the first place? You really ought to think before you write Barry Baloney ‘chum.’”

Loathed and detested by many Kevin Spacey’s curious connections…

From Presidents… With alleged, erm, guilty of, erm, many things President Bill Clinton and with the temper tantrum prone model Naomi Campbell and the temper tantrum prone crooner Sir Elton John.
From Presidents… With alleged, erm, guilty of, erm, many things President Bill Clinton and with the temper tantrum prone model Naomi Campbell and the temper tantrum prone crooner Sir Elton John.
To Princes… With alleged sex pest Prince Andrew.
To Princes… With alleged sex pest Prince Andrew.
To Prime Ministers… With alleged war criminal Sir Tony Blair.
To Prime Ministers… With alleged war criminal Sir Tony Blair.
To paedophiles… With convicted sex offender Harvey Weinstein.
To paedophiles… With convicted sex offender Harvey Weinstein.
Matthew Steeples
Matthew Steeples
A graduate of the London School of Economics, Matthew Steeples is a writer and marketing consultant. He conceived The Steeple Times as a media arena to fill the void between the Mail Online, The Huffington Post and such organs as the New York Social Diary in 2012.


    • Thanks for the suggestion, but I will not be increasing deviant Dan’s viewing numbers. His vile remarks about the international treasure Susan Boyle were enough for me. He is filth and scum and it is no wonder that the arrogant, acerbic and weird Kevin Spacey and the rabid ranter Evan Lowenstein have found involvement with him. Pond life, all of ’em.


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