Monday, March 17, 2025

Minus Money Mucky Madam – Ghislaine Maxwell’s Flat Broke; Cut Off Financially By Estranged Husband Scott Borgerson

As noxious nonce Ghislaine Maxwell is revealed to be flat broke, has not paid her lawyers the £3 million she owes to date and has been financially cut off by her estranged hubby Scott Borgerson, will she even be able to afford an £845,000 appeal?

Nasty, noxious nonce Ghislaine Maxwell used to consider herself to be the female equivalent of ‘Barry Big Bollocks,’ but now it seems the once very, very wealthy socialite is now completely penniless.


If reports, published first at the weekend in The Sun on Sunday and then more recently in The Mirror, are to be believed the mucky madam’s estranged husband has completely pulled the plug on funding and thus likely wrecked her chances of even getting lawyers to represent her at the appeal she and her brothers keep claiming her to be bringing.


Supposedly, as we revealed in September, at least £3 million to the various lawyers she hired in conjunction with both her husband Scott Borgerson and brother Kevin Maxwell, the former lover of Jeffrey Epstein now needs another £845,000 to even begin working on any appeal against her 20-year prison sentence.


Of where the money of a once very, very wealthy woman who most definitely has links to the ownership of the not currently on the market £1 million ‘Tuckedaway’ in Bradford, New Hampshire and the very much still for sale £6.5 million ‘The Phippen Smith House’ in Manchester-by-the-Sea is, The Mirror’s Alahna Kindred suggested:


“Mr Borgerson controls almost all of Maxwell’s funds through a trust fund, which includes what she has left from the £12.6 million sale of her New York home.”


“It was previously reported that the firm was repeatedly told by Kevin Maxwell that Borgerson was in control of Maxwell’s assets and that it was because of him the payments were delayed.”


“Mr Borgerson, who married Maxwell in 2016, reportedly met with her brother Kevin and her US lawyers to discuss the appeal.


“A source claimed to the paper that Mr Borgerson was ‘being difficult’ but promised to send the funds. However, in a separate instance, the firm later accused him of acting under ‘false pretenses’ after not receiving the money.”


“The source added: ‘Her lawyers have not been paid. That is a serious matter in itself. Worse, she needs to come up with another $1million to fund the appeal. Right now, Scott’s given her nothing.’”


“When contacted by The Mirror, Mr Borgerson pointed to a court document from September that showed Colorado law firm Haddon, Morgan and Foreman, which acted for Maxwell in the trial, said Mr Borgerson ‘expressed cooperation, transparency and honesty’ in regards to the ‘alleged transfers of property.’ He refused to comment further.”


Going further, we today suggest, it is time for forensic analysis of what other funds Miss Maxwell has managed to stash away with the help of Borgerson and her family. Again, we ask: “What happened to the £500 million plundered from pensioners and funneled by Jeffrey Epstein – a man who met Robert Maxwell long before his daughter did – to build a lifestyle beyond ludicrous for his daughter in America and elsewhere?” Evidence suggests this money was managed not only by the since croaked Ponzi schemer, but also held in locations including Jersey and Lichtenstein and it is now pertinent that the relevant authorities do their due diligence and locate these funds.


Meanwhile elsewhere, it seems that others who’ve fallen victim to ‘The Bouncing Czech’s’ deviant daughter’s inability to cough up include her pugnacious PR peddlers Brian Basham and Jay Beecher. The former hasn’t even managed a tweet on any subject since 11th July whilst the latter grubby gifter’s ‘The Maxwell Files’ website has not even had any form of update since 18th April.


Pictured Top – Scott Borgerson pictured speaking at a conference about capital (he certainly has plenty of that whilst his estranged wife, it seems, has zilch, zero, nowt); Ghislaine Maxwell (AKA the estranged ‘Mrs Scott Borgerson’) meanwhile once had millions courtesy of her father, many still ask what happened to the £500 million he plundered; the question now is: “What does Scott Borgerson know about this money?”


Editor’s Note – Unlike as is the case in many publications, this article was NOT sponsored or supported by a third-party.


One-time ‘columnist’ (though crafting a sentence ain’t up there in his skill set) for the far-right rag ‘Politicalite’ Jay Beecher’s last missive on Twitter about Ghislaine Maxwell – a wicked woman whose brothers he clearly arselicked a little too much even for their own liking that they’ve now turned him off – came on the 9th November. He referenced Alan Dershowitz reaching an agreement with Virginia Roberts Giuffre and then tried to make the whole thing about himself in claiming ‘The Daily Beast’ had “branded” him a “paedophile protector” in “smear articles.” This clear believer that he’s ‘The Big I Am’ just cannot accept that even a tinpoint tattling title like ‘Politicalite’ doesn’t even want him anymore – his last mention (in an article by Jordan James, not an article by him) there came on 15th May.
In happier times… Mr and Mrs Scott Borgerson seemed like they were destined for a life of luxury and lavishness back when they met in 2015. Little did Mr Borgerson know what he was in for, or, did he plan it all along? Did he know what was coming and did he, like his fellow submarine pilot, have deviousness on the brain? They say that the “truth is stranger than fiction” and in the case of a couple who hid their union even from Ghislaine Maxwell’s siblings until she was arrested, something most definitely stinks to high heaven.
He’s definitely moved on… Scott Borgerson clearly doesn’t miss his old ‘missus’ Ghislaine. Though he clearly was never proud enough to be open with anyone (and nor was she) during their union – they married in either late 2015 or early 2016, depending on which source you might take as gospel – he’s now living it up with a sexually saucy “yoga enthusiast” with an “ass that could crack open a walnut” named Kris McGinn. On Instagram, she describes herself to her 149 followers as a “writer” and though she’s not posted since 19th October 2021, she previously bizarrely mused about ravens in October 2020. At that time, she quoted a bit of Edgar Allan Poe – “But the Raven still beguiling my sad fancy into smiling” – and stated: “Loved learning more about these marvelous creatures with Jim Benhke for this week’s Cricket.” Clearly, whilst she then got to “smile” when Ghislaine Maxwell got sent down on 29th December 2021, all the mucky madam got instead was an errant husband who, it seems, has run off with her ‘wonga wonga.’

Ghislaine Maxwell and Scott Borgerson – Known assets that should be sold (and one that has already been sold) that should fund the payment of the lawyers they hired with the help of Kevin Maxwell

Linked by their mutual love of submarines and protecting assets and their identities in a secretive fashion, Scott Borgerson and his very much estranged wife – it is not known if they have yet divorced – are known to have most recently together been connected with the following properties:

The Phippen Smith House

The Phippen-Smith House (AKA ‘Tidewood’), 301 Summer Street, Manchester-by-the-Sea, Cape Ann, Essex County, Massachusetts, MA 01944, United States of America

Currently for sale for £6.52 million ($6.95 million, €7.28 million or درهم25.52 million). Purchased by a limited liability company controlled by Ghislaine Maxwell’s then “secret husband” Scott Borgerson for £2.294 million ($2.450 million, €2.564 million or درهم8.998 million) on 30th June 2016. During the transaction, decidedly deviant Ghislaine Maxwell is said to have used the pseudonym ‘Jennifer Ellmax.’


Tuckedaway, 338 East Washington Road, Bradford, New Hampshire, NH 03221, United States of America

Purchased for £1.004 million ($1.070 million, €1.121 million or درهم3.932million) in a cash transaction on 13th December 2019 by a shell company formed on 18th November 2019 named Granite Realty LLC.

Approached recently for comment as to the current status of this property by The Steeple Times, a representative selling agent at the time of Maxwell’s purchase, Four Seasons Sotheby’s International Realty, cryptically responded: “We have no information on this property and unfortunately have no contact information for the owner. Sorry we could not be of more help.”

44 Kinnerton Street Belgravia

44 Kinnerton Street, Belgravia, London, SW1X 8ES, United Kingdom

Purchased by Ghislaine Maxwell in 1997 for £290,000 ($310,000, €324,000 or درهم1.1 million) on 22nd January 1997 and sold by her representatives on 19th April 2021 for £1.75 million ($1.87 million, €1.96 million or درهم6.87 million).

A neighbour, approached recently by The Steeple Times, shared: “We are sick of ghouls coming to look at this house. They bang on the door and when they don’t get an answer as it is clearly empty, they pester us. One even asked me if I could help him get in as he wanted to take a picture on the landing. He said: ‘I want my Prince Andrew shot.’ I told him to bugger off.”

Matthew Steeples
Matthew Steeples
A graduate of the London School of Economics, Matthew Steeples is a writer and marketing consultant. He conceived The Steeple Times as a media arena to fill the void between the Mail Online, The Huffington Post and such organs as the New York Social Diary in 2012.


  1. This Borgerson lad is even more peculiar than Ghislaine. Her motives are shameless and self serving …his are shameful and identity empty…who is this boringly ambitious tall boy/man??
    I am no stranger to weird romances, but Ghislaines’ take the cake. Clearly he is having a difficult time sharing the bounty of his booty arrangement. It strikes me that he hates her after the fact. It must be more convoluted than that…I’m curious. He is effectively pushing back on any coverage of himself and no one seems to be interviewing anyone that knows him personally. Harry and Meghan should consult with him on how that it is done.

    • He’s more likely playing along like a pawn in a chess game. The contemporary Maxwells just don’t want to pay their debts just like their rotten-to-his-core father didn’t want to pay his. No doubt all of this charade is part of their game to hide yet more assets – something they’re very good at. Lichtenstein, Jersey, Switzerland, the Bahamas, etc.

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