Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Philbrick to Phil-Nicked! Inigo Philbrick Hits The Clink

As “vain” and “greedy” Inigo Philbrick gets deservedly jailed for 7 years, we remind readers that he remains a pretentious pillock whilst his bird-brained ‘baby mama’ Victoria Baker-Harber remains a mouthy moron

Inigo Philbrick used to look the part, but yesterday The New York Times told that this condescending conman now only sports “tan jail garb.” It, frankly, rather suits this wretched wazzock.


Previously clad in £5,000 a pop suits and often in favour of sporting handmade shoes, this truly nasty piece of toerag was on Monday deservedly thrown in the clink for 84 months for conning art collectors out of over £73 million.


Known most widely for otherwise hanging around with the mouthy meddler and harbour of haranguing that is his latest ‘baby mama’ Victoria Baker-Harber – herself a bargain basement version of the ‘aristoprat’ Lady Victoria Hervey – Philbrick is lauded as a “mini Madoff” but frankly, let’s be truly honest, he was nothing but a tawdry, out of touch with reality seller of tripe.


Prone also to dining at the pretentious favourite of only the Ecclestone trashbag sisters that is C-London – where he tellingly put his bills on account whilst even the Putin apologist coffin dodger’s dodgy daughters coughed up – Philbrick will now dine on only luncheon meat slices and gruel for the next 2,555 days.


The rotten ratbag Inigo Philbrick deserves all he gets and sane people everywhere will now join with us in celebrating that he’s no longer able to perform the art of fraud on anyone else (for at least seven years).


Pictured top – Podgy pillock jailbird Inigo Philbrick with his loudmouth lover Victoria Baker-Harber in happier times.


Victoria Baker-Harber
As he was sent down, according to ‘The New York Times,’ rotten-to-his-core Philbrick pretentious to the very end: “Lowered a face mask that he was wearing, turned to face his supporters in the gallery, held a hand to his chest then blew a kiss.” The paper added: “Mr. Philbrick, wearing tan jail garb, told Judge Stein that he felt deep shame and embarrassment over his actions and that he would work the rest of his life to restore the trust he had squandered and repay the debts he owed. ‘I apologize without reservation or restraint,’ he said, calling his conduct “outrageous and inexcusable.’”
‘ARTnews’ added of the drug using fraudster: “In an emotional statement of his own read aloud to the court, Philbrick expressed ‘remorse and sorrow for the damage’ that he had caused to those around him. He said that he had been in solitary confinement when his daughter was born in 2020 and that the sentencing on Monday would help him in “closing a door on an almost-10-year-long period of my life. Referring to the internship he got at White Cube when he was in his early 20s, he said, ‘Twelve years ago, I was offered a role in the art world that came with great prestige. It also required deception.’ Later, diverging from his prewritten statement, Philbrick said, ‘The only goal I have is to make the people who believed in me whole.’”
Kenny Schachter
Amongst those conned by the slimy toad was the art collector Kenny Schachter. Of him, braindead berk Baker-Harber showed no regret for her association with Philbrick – a trashbag who ferried her around in a private jet at the expense of others – in retweeting an attack on Schachter by someone named ‘Koogs’ on Twitter on 14th June 2020. They opined: “Who quotes themselves?? Get over it! Your wife is a billionaire! Are you crying about cash or cock?”
Angela Gulbenkian
Like fellow swindler Angela Gulbenkian, here is an entitled twerp who thought he was above the law. Long may this ratbag rot.
Matthew Steeples
Matthew Steeples
A graduate of the London School of Economics, Matthew Steeples is a writer and marketing consultant. He conceived The Steeple Times as a media arena to fill the void between the Mail Online, The Huffington Post and such organs as the New York Social Diary in 2012.


  1. This c**t deserves the noose. As for Vicky, she deserves to be sectioned. Sick f**king c**t.

  2. This Philbrick character looks a real arsehole, reminiscent of that scruffbag, Russell Brand. Ugh!

  3. He will do it again when he gets out. The smell and addiction to the green stuff makes it inevitable

  4. Yes he does look a bit like that num nut Brand.
    Well 7 years for £70 odd mill, not a bad little earner, and tax free.
    Seriously though, what a bloody joke of a sentence, and no deterrent to anybody. There would be plenty of takers willing to do 7 years at her Maj’s pleasure for that sort of dosh. The funny thing is, he will probably be out in 4 with good behavior.

  5. He is a splendid human. I bought two panting from him and he’s like me a regular Colbert goer. I hope he is set free soon

    • Well, I wouldn’t call him a splendid human, he doesn’t quite fall into that category. If you bought anything from him, I would check if it’s fake.

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