Sunday, March 16, 2025


Epstein Victim Payouts Top £384m – JP Morgan Chase Finally Settle Over Enabling Evil Jeffrey Epstein

As the total payout in compensation to circa 150 known ‘victims’ of Jeffrey Epstein tops £384 million after JP Morgan Chase stummed up an astonishing £227 million settlement this week, isn’t it time that some of his clearly many associates (other than the grubby groper Ghislaine Maxwell) were finally brought to justice?

Pay Up Fergie – Dopey, Deranged & Delusional Sarah, Duchess of York Hit With £19m Lawsuit

As dopey, deranged and delusional Sarah, Duchess of York is hit with a £19 million lawsuit and is told to pay up, we again ask: “Did she ever repay the loans and other benefits she took from the known-to-her-to-be-a-paedophile Jeffrey Epstein?”

“Oh Boy!” – J. P. Morgan Executive On Evil Monster Jeffrey Epstein

That JPMorgan Chase & Co. executive Mary Callahan Erdoes excused Jeffrey Epstein being a paedophile with “oh boy!” and “I don’t know what to believe” emails is proof of how rotten-to-the-core that finance house truly is.

Baloney From Barclays – Bank Should Take Epstein – Staley Scandal More Seriously

Matthew Steeples suggests Barclays is not taking the Jeffrey Epstein – Jes Staley scandal seriously enough; greed and deviancy should not be protected at LSE listed companies and the firm’s latest baloney shows the firm as not fit for purpose.

Ghislaine Maxwell – You’re Fired!

As Ghislaine Maxwell’s murky mate Kevin Spacey tries to get a psychologist connected to her case barred from his case, her own lawyers tell her: “You’re fired!”

No Excuses Dick – Shame On Those Trying To Suggest Dame Cressida Dick As Little Miss Innocent

Ghislaine Maxwell’s schoolmate Dame Cressida Dick’s bleating about her deserved demise should be called out as the disgrace that it truly is; with her turfed out with the trash it is now time for institutional change at the Met Police.