Wednesday, March 26, 2025


Epstein Victim Payouts Top £384m – JP Morgan Chase Finally Settle Over Enabling Evil Jeffrey Epstein

As the total payout in compensation to circa 150 known ‘victims’ of Jeffrey Epstein tops £384 million after JP Morgan Chase stummed up an astonishing £227 million settlement this week, isn’t it time that some of his clearly many associates (other than the grubby groper Ghislaine Maxwell) were finally brought to justice?

Pay Up Fergie – Dopey, Deranged & Delusional Sarah, Duchess of York Hit With £19m Lawsuit

As dopey, deranged and delusional Sarah, Duchess of York is hit with a £19 million lawsuit and is told to pay up, we again ask: “Did she ever repay the loans and other benefits she took from the known-to-her-to-be-a-paedophile Jeffrey Epstein?”

Baloney From Barclays – Bank Should Take Epstein – Staley Scandal More Seriously

Matthew Steeples suggests Barclays is not taking the Jeffrey Epstein – Jes Staley scandal seriously enough; greed and deviancy should not be protected at LSE listed companies and the firm’s latest baloney shows the firm as not fit for purpose.

No Excuses Dick – Shame On Those Trying To Suggest Dame Cressida Dick As Little Miss Innocent

Ghislaine Maxwell’s schoolmate Dame Cressida Dick’s bleating about her deserved demise should be called out as the disgrace that it truly is; with her turfed out with the trash it is now time for institutional change at the Met Police.

Philbrick to Phil-Nicked! Inigo Philbrick Hits The Clink

As “vain” and “greedy” Inigo Philbrick gets deservedly jailed for 7 years, we remind readers that he remains a pretentious pillock whilst his bird-brained ‘baby mama’ Victoria Baker-Harber remains a mouthy moron.

Barclays Bonus Banished – Jes Staley Down On The Wonga

Barclays puts a stop to £22 million of bonus payments to ex-CEO and Jeffrey Epstein associate Jes Staley as investigation continues; meanwhile frozen-out Barclays customer Ghislaine Maxwell’s mum’s former Belgravia home faces the wrecking ball.

Nasty Noxious Nabbing Naomi Campbell

As Naomi Campbell gets called out for pulling a ‘Catherine Meyer’ at the charity she runs, we remind her that her “rum chum” choice of friends including convicted sex offenders Ghislaine Maxwell and Harvey Weinstein do her no favours.

Epstein’s Fat Cat Finally Falls

Barclays CEO Jes Staley stands down 627 days after his links to the paedophile Jeffrey Epstein were exposed; ‘Epstein’s fat cat’ leaves with a £2.5 million golden handshake It’s taken 627 days, but today James...

Moron of the Moment – Thomas Huff

As businessman Thomas Huff – whom bought Jeffrey Epstein’s Gulfstream jet in 2019, 11 years after the latter’s first sexual offence conviction – belatedly sues due to “regret,” all he does is make a moron of himself.

Maxwell Booked

As she is quite deservedly denied bail for a FOURTH time, mucky madam Ghislaine Maxwell sues the publishers of a book about her and Jeffrey Epstein; we respond by urging readers to buy ‘Vice Island’ now.

Theresa’s in the Trough

Matthew Steeples highlights that it is not just David Cameron who has been sticking his piggy fingers in the trough; Theresa May also ‘pocketed’ over £1.2 million in the last year alone.

Wallies of the Week 2021 – Stephen Cloobeck and Stefanie Gurzanski

Self-proclaimed billionaire Stephen Cloobeck and stripper Stefanie Gurzanski’s court battle makes a mockery of the both of them; this tawdry pair should “belt up, wrap up and shut up.”

The Fake News of Love Yourself

PR peddler Ivy Holt of Media PR makes a prized pillock of her client Love Yourself by trying to spread unentertaining fake news; all she achieved was to prove herself to be a wannabe Brian Basham.

Basham-ing About

As Brian Basham peddles another puff piece for mucky madam Ghislaine Maxwell today, ‘The Steeple Times’ reminds him that we covered this news first on the 6th March.

Shifty Job Killer

‘Sir Shifty’ Philip Green’s legacy now should be just one thing; this beached whale billionaire should go down in history as a job killer.