Tuesday, January 21, 2025


A Curious ‘Cotswold Castle’ In ‘Motor City’

Bizarre Detroit house built of ‘Cotswold stone’ marketed for sale as a “19th century United Kingdom castle;” its price is 48% lower than when last sold in 2021 and its interior is beyond curious.

A Maxwell Mess In Manchester – Ghislaine Maxwell’s Bad Taste

WORLD EXCLUSIVE – We reveal pictures never seen before inside Ghislaine Maxwell’s £5.4 million Manchester-by-the-Sea hideaway that show her and her errant hubby’s appallingly bad taste in the decorating department and share an image of the convicted sex trafficker’s super-sized “party shower” where goodness knows what went on.

Epstein’s Parisian Paedo Pad

Jeffrey Epstein’s Parisian paedo pad goes on sale just as the PM’s sister leaps to mucky madam Ghislaine Maxwell’s defence and her gyrating partner Geordie Greig gets ousted from the ‘Daily Mail.’

The 62,000 Square Foot McMansion

Chinese billionaire gets planning permission to expand a £210 million Knightsbridge house to create a ludicrously large single family 62,000 square foot ‘McMansion’