Wednesday, January 22, 2025


From Loser To Lord – Should Shameless Shaun Bailey Be Elevated To House of Lords?

Though Tory twerp Shaun Bailey got away with partying with billionaire Nick Candy during the 2020 lockdowns, that this ludicrous loser and electoral disaster area might now get a seat in the House of Lords courtesy of his chum Boris Johnson is utterly outrageous.

Loopy Liz Panned By Poem – Liz Truss Poetry

As Liz Truss continues to gain the support of further Tory members, her supporters make a fool of her in verse in penning poetry referencing her as ‘Bizzy Lizzy’ and ‘Thatcher Mach 3.’

Moron of the Moment 2022 – Michael Fabricant MP

That bleached blonde bisexual bore Michael Fabricant MP thinks it funny to make jokes about a Tory colleague accused of rape shows that he is nothing but a deranged, dimwitted dunce.

Amanda Awakens – Amanda Eliasch on Ukraine

In her latest feature discussion shared on YouTube, Amanda Eliasch sparks debate about Ukraine and ignites passion and fury from eternally eccentric Philip Sallon and anything but bashful Brexiteer Alice Grant.

P**s & Orf – Shame On P&O and Shame On Natalie Elphicke MP

As P&O is rightly slammed for its reprehensible Zoom sacking, ‘The Steeple Times’ interviews a sacked employee and joins those shouting “shame on you” at pain-in-the arse Natalie Elphicke MP.

Review – Bloody Difficult Women

Matthew Steeples reviews ‘Bloody Difficult Women’ – a play about Brexit, Theresa May, Gina Miller and struggle and sacrifice– and finds it relevant as we face the ongoing fallout from Britain’s decision to leave the EU and as Putin’s tanks roll into Ukraine.