Thursday, January 16, 2025


Moron of the Moment – Frankie Rufolo

Far right Quran burning prat Frankie Rufolo has to be the least person worthy of election in Britain A 19-year-old spotty brat named Frankie Ruffolo made headlines in Devon last week after an incident in...

America’s First Gay President?

Could wildcard millennial Pete Buttigieg become America’s first gay President? The son of a Maltese immigrant to America, openly gay and an Afghanistan war veteran Pete Buttigieg (pronounced: “boot-edge-edge”) is someone whose name is likely...

The Rat is Caged

Loathsome hypocrite Julian Assange’s arrest comes seven years too late but is an almighty relief for the British justice system This morning officers from the Metropolitan Police Service finally arrested the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.   Ending...

A Taxing Question

Why are the Taxpayers’ Alliance given airtime in the British media when they are not the voice of the taxpayer but instead a lobbying operation for a bunch of rich, shady foreigners? This morning Chloe...

The Pizza Prat – Andrea Leadsom

Andrea Leadsom’s “pizza club” is indicative of how low the British political classes have stooped Leader of the House Andrea ‘Loathsome’ Leadsom MP appeared on The Andrew Marr Show this morning. In conversation, this strange woman...

Vanquishing The Vulgarians

A rare set of good news; Milo Yiannopoulos gets banned from Australia and Tommy Robinson loses his harassment case   Tommy Robinson and Milo Yiannopoulos are unlikely bedfellows. One’s openly gay and one’s more akin to...

Shocking Steel

Lord Steel has proven himself a disgrace; he should be expelled from public life   Lord Steel should be ashamed of himself. He should also be expelled from the House of Lords.     That this former Liberal leader...

The Travails of Tom and Theresa

That condom campaigner Tom Harwood is scaremongering and Theresa May is begging is proof enough that Brexit is on the rocks   Last week, condom campaigner turned Guido Fawkes reporter Tom Harwood was asked on Sky...

Moron of the Moment – Laura Murray

Wealthy aristocrat and aide to Jeremy Corbyn is a true example of the hypocrisy that now pollutes once Great Britain   This morning The Sunday Times revealed that Laura Murray, an acid tongued far-left harridan and...

Let’s NOT Get It Done

That a “haggard” Theresa May chose Grimsby as a place to make her final speech prior to the final vote on her Brexit deal about sums up what a mess she’s truly gotten us...

More Belgrade Than Belgravia

As the Belgravia Shell fuel station is raided and its cash machine robbed, here is another timely reminder of the effects of Theresa May’s cuts   This morning in Ebury Street, Belgravia, the Shell garage closed...

Failing Grayling

Transport secretary Chris Grayling has yet again messed up and with news that he has botched the Brexit ferry deal, he must go   “Deeply odd” Chris Grayling MP just cannot get anything right. Rightly branded...

Cliff Wrongly Rises (Yet Again)

That Sir Cliff Richard is demanding another £1.5 million from the BBC shows how utterly outrageous he truly is   The ratbag Sir Cliff Richard’s at it again. This monstrous weirdo is now demanding another £1.5...

Calamity Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn has rightly been slammed for not being able to manage his own finances   Jeremy Corbyn is a national disgrace and should not be put in charge of a bus ticket let alone a...

Calamity Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn has rightly been slammed for not being able to manage his own finances   Jeremy Corbyn is a national disgrace and should not be put in charge of a bus ticket let alone a...

Actions Have Consequences

Matthew Steeples reminds the Duchess of Sussex, Mark Zuckerberg and his Facebook colleagues that actions have consequences   “If you don’t want something published, don’t write it down” is something that should have been told to...

Wally of the Week – Owen Jones

Jeremy Corbyn apologist Owen Jones yet again proves himself to be nothing but an utter berk suggests Matthew Steeples   All-round Commie and Guardian and New Statesman columnist Owen Jones blocked me on Twitter several years...

Leaving Labour

That seven MPs have quit the Labour Party sums up how appalling a leader Jeremy Corbyn truly is; the country now has a chance to unite the “politically homeless” but nothing will change unless...

Awful Alison

Anti-Semitic songwriter and Holocaust denier Alison Chabloz deserves her convictions; may she now disappear forever   Self-professed “revisionist” Alison Chabloz is loathed by her parents and her daughter doesn’t speak to her. This billy-no-mates has supported...

A £75k MayBeNOT

Would anyone be insane enough to pay £75,000 for an evening with Theresa May or £175,000 for a set of posters signed by her?   If you want to hear someone repeat the words “my deal”...

Rolf’s Rotters

Loopy Lizzie Cornish and pop paedophile Jonathan King leap to the defence of child abuser and playground pest Rolf Harris   Disgraced music mogul Jonathan King is someone who bizarrely believes that the serial killer Dr...

Nissan IS Leaving

Crowdfunded advert van campaign used to illustrate the lies told by Brexiteers to those working at Leave.EU’s headquarters   The Vote Leave campaign used its bus to tell lies about the NHS and Brexit and now...

The Playground Pest

That the vile paedophile Rolf Harris turned up to wave at children in a school playground is proof that he should be sectioned   They say: “A picture tells a thousand words” and an image of...

Losing Labour

News that a “group of Labour MPs” are set to quit the plainly out-of-touch party to form a “breakaway movement” is positive for Britain; disaffected Tories should follow suit   The Labour Party used to be...

Trevor’s Last Quack

Duck famous for being lonely and the only one on the isolated Pacific island of Niue dies   The death of a duck on an isolated island would not normally arouse much interest but ‘Trevor’ –...

The Vile Vazs Strike Again

Keith Vaz MP’s sister proves herself to be just as grasping as her vile rent-boy loving pervert brother   Most people think rent-a-gob Keith Vaz to be quite bad enough. This Teflon-like creep has taken cash...