Friday, March 7, 2025


The Establishment strikes again

As Lord Janner gets off scot-free, another example of The Establishment protecting its own is once again illustrated   Lord Janner’s lost his mind so now alleged victims must see justice for his alleged crimes against...

Picture of the Week: Victory for Hameron

Is a pig named after David Cameron sweeping to victory a sign of things to come?   Yesterday, a pig named David Hameron swept to victory in Devon after a race where micropig Nigel Forage ducked...

Picture of the Week: Drought and degradation

An aerial shot of homes in Rancho Mirage, California provides evidence about the effects of untrammelled growth and excessive water consumption   Our Picture of the Week illustrates the catastrophic effects man can have on the...

Picture of the Week: Parliament’s out

London Underground worker shares an amusing view on the dissolution of Parliament   Transport for London workers certainly annoy us all from time to time when they go on strike but one or two of them have...

Wally of the Week: Aidan Burley MP

Conservative MP Aidan Burley used his final speech in the House of Commons to attack his constituents and to moan about parliamentary pay   Aidan Burley has done some pretty stupid things in his time. Attending...

A Diamond fundraiser

As Bob Diamond’s wife prepares to host a fundraiser for a Democratic candidate, we ponder whether his daughter will be tweeting about it   The Diamond family are people not afraid to put their heads above...

Quote of the Week: Amanda Eliasch on fashion

Writer and filmmaker Amanda Eliasch provides the best summing up of the Twitter storm that has enveloped Dolce and Gabanna   With Elton John attacking Dolce and Gabanna over their views on “synthetic babies” and then...

Wally of the Week: Heather Mills

A rare thing has occured: Matthew Steeples admits to finding himself in agreement with Piers Morgan in regard to the latest rant by Heather Mills   It wasn’t something I’d expect would ever happen but I...

Wally of the Week: Heather Mills

A rare thing has occured: Matthew Steeples admits to finding himself in agreement with Piers Morgan in regard to the latest rant by Heather Mills   It wasn’t something I’d expect would ever happen but I...

Wally of the Week: Dame Vivienne Westwood DBE, RDI

A gift of £300,000 to the Green Party confirms Dame Vivienne Westwood as utterly crackers   We’re not fans of the busybody Dame Vivienne Westwood DBE, RDI here at The Steeple Times but given the announcement...

Former Tory MP and one time shirt shop owner’s house raided

Former MP and one-time shirt shop owner Harvey Proctor’s house raided by officers from Operation Midland   Former Conservative Member of Parliament and Monday Club member Harvey Proctor, 68, had to resign as a candidate in...

Bog-standard blatancy

Former multi-millionaire Brian O’Donnell fails in his latest attempt to recuse himself from proceedings relating to the repossession of his £6 million South Dublin home   At Dublin’s High Court on Thursday, one-time multi-millionaire solicitor and...

London is Changing

London is Changing website voices the struggles of Londoners   The Steeple Times regularly reports on London’s top-heavy property market and with seemingly ordinary houses now regularly fetching upwards of £10 million, the needs of ordinary...

Wally of the Week: David Lammy MP

Labour’s David Lammy defends shoplifters who steal luxury goods   In a pamphlet published this week for the Policy Exchange think tank, Tottenham Labour MP David Lammy suggested that thieves who steal from luxury stores should...

Wally of the Week: UKIP candidate Victoria Ayling

UKIP’s Victoria Ayling makes a fool of herself (again)   UKIP candidate Victoria Ayling isn’t known for being tactful but in her latest gaffe, this obnoxious woman showed herself to be nothing other than plain stupid.     At...

Go, fund, gone

As the gofundme fundraising page for the alleged “Heathrow homeless duo” Alan Lane and Katrina Smith is removed, many ask: “Where has the money raised for them gone?”   The public initially reacted to the alleged...


Estée Lauder heir Ronald S. Lauder deals a body blow to Romanian film industry   The Romanian film industry has been thrown into disarray following the arrest of 24 board directors of MediaPro, Romania’s Pinewood Studio...

Taking the UKIP

As UKIP select ‘pop preacher’ George Hargreaves as a candidate, we reveal details of his curious past   UKIP is a party known for selecting fruitcakes as candidates but in choosing the Reverend James George Hargreaves...

Heathrowed out

An update on the allegedly homeless Heathrow duo Alan Lane and Katrina Smith   Our follow-up stories on the case of Alan Lane and Katrina Smith, the couple who claimed to be “homeless at Heathrow”, went...

Heathrow hypocrites – Alan Lane and Katrina Smith

‘Middle-class homeless Heathrow couple’s’ views on housing others exposed   Yesterday, we reported on the case of Alan Lane and Katrina Smith, a couple who claim to have been living as “homeless” people at Heathrow Airport....

Picture of the Week: The fall of Mugabe

Despot Robert Mugabe takes a tumble   Robert Mugabe is a man who is best known for a tumbling currency and the decline of his country. This week, however, he, himself, took a fall.     After speaking to...

Passage to another world; we are not terrorists

Conflict photographer Maximilian Clarke recounts encounters with doctors and drunks in Donetsk and finds that all the people there want is for the world to know what is happening to them   “The tunnel is a passageway...

Picture of the Week: UKIP soundbite generator

Huffpost UK Topicalol’s UKIP soundbite generator   Published by The Huffington Post UK’s comedy section, our Picture of the Week is of a three column soundbite generator that makes fun of the United Kingdom Independence Party.     The...

Bonkers Bernie

Bernie Madoff sends a bizarre email to NBC News and is then shot down by the liquidators of his now defunct business   Bernard Madoff plainly still enjoys the limelight. In a rant sent to NBC...

Tomorrow’s chip papers

Oxfam’s analysis of the distribution of wealth proves to be nothing but hyperbole given that the majority of us actually are part of the very ‘elite’ they so earnestly attack   As a report commissioned by...

Wally of the Week: Chris Bryant MP

James Blunt rightly describes Chris Bryant MP as a “classist gimp” after he complains that the arts are dominated by people from privileged backgrounds   Public schooled Chris Bryant MP is a man best known for posing...

Savage Savage

Michael Fabricant MP is wrong to seek a lifting of the ban on shock jock Michael Savage entering Britain   This week the “unconventional” Conservative MP Michael Fabricant suggested it is time to reverse the ban...

Welcome to Donetsk

Photographer Maximilian Clarke recounts his experiences at the hands of soldiers in Donetsk   “Where is this journalist?”, a heavy set fighter demanded before escorting me off the bus and into a small room filled with soldiers...

There’s no fool like an old fool

Prince Andrew admits to having been “foolish” over friendship with Jeffrey Epstein   They say: “There’s no fool like an old fool” and in allegedly admitting that his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein has been foolish,...

A helping hand

Timpson offers free dry cleaning for the unemployed   We all need a helping hand from time to time and in offering unemployed people free cleaning of outfits for an interview, the dry cleaning business Timpson...

Outing Heath and Brittan

Former Prime Minister Edward Heath and former Home Secretary Leon Brittan described as “alleged paedophiles” by Breitbart   Edward Heath and Leon Brittan’s names have been bandied around on blogs and websites for years in connection...

Website of the Week: Exaro

Exaro is a website that isn’t afraid to cover stories that have been inadequately covered by the mainstream media   Investigative journalism used to be the guiding force of Britain’s free press. Today, sadly, most titles...