Friday, March 7, 2025


Bigots attack Baroness

Trolls complain about Doreen Lawrence’s elevation to the peerage   Yesterday, we added the newly ennobled Baroness Lawrence OBE to our roll call of campaigners. Today, we’ve been inundated by tweets from those who disapprove of...

The growth myth

Vladimir Lavrentiev reports on the flaws in the reporting of ‘economic growth’   The British press used to unanimously spout the story of a ‘double dip recession’ and now they are attempting to put the agenda...

The best things in life remain free

Papers and paywalls   This morning a paywall went up on The Sun’s online portal, Sun+. This move follows those of the The Times and the Telegraph and some might suggest they are commercially justifiable. We...

‘Glossie Possie’ goes east

Anmer Hall in Norfolk all but confirmed as future home of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge   For months now there has been speculation as to whether Anmer Hall, a Georgian property on The Queen’s...

Out blue

Chelsea’s Conservative Club closed and up for rent   Someone once said if they put up a pig with a blue rosette as the candidate in Kensington and Chelsea, it would win. This might now be...

It's A Knock-In

Stuart Hall’s sentence doubled   Today, paedophile and former broadcaster Stuart Hall’s sentence was doubled to 30 months by judges at the Court of Appeal. We salute those who questioned his original sentence including even Harriet...

It’s A Knock-In

Stuart Hall’s sentence doubled   Today, paedophile and former broadcaster Stuart Hall’s sentence was doubled to 30 months by judges at the Court of Appeal. We salute those who questioned his original sentence including even Harriet...

Word of the Week: Quockerwodger

Words worth using   Nick Clegg is a quockerwodger as he behaves like a puppet and is controlled by David Cameron’s strings.   Originating from the 1850s, the term quockerwodger combines mixes quocken (“to vomit or choke”) and...

A French farce

French fashion brand mocks Jimmy Savile’s victims   A French fashion brand bizarrely named Brooklyn We Go Hard has used the former Scottish holiday home of the deceased paedophile Jimmy Savile as the location for one...

Alleged makes allegation

Supposed ‘princess’ Sara Al Amoudi claims that property investor Ian Paton is a ‘crack addict’ who had an ‘affair’ with her   We’ve reported on the case brought against alleged “princess” Sara Al Amoudi before...

Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Al Amoudi

DLA Piper UK LLP issue a statement on behalf of Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Al Amoudi   The case brought against Sara Al Amoudi by Amanda Clutterbuck and Ian Paton is one where proving identity will be...

Deceiving a deceiver

J.K. Rowling has no need to whinge about her pseudonym being revealed   J.K. Rowling made a fortune writing her Harry Potter series. Now that she’s been revealed as the author of a crime mystery, The...

A view from The Bridge

Richard Webb of Saltydog Investor shares his views on the new investment world and DIY investing   Leaving your investments to the so-called professionals is like embarking on a round the world voyage using the stars...

Kasir and a cover up

As Haroon Kasir is arrested on suspicion of the possession of indecent images of children, we must ask why additional resources are not allocated to Operation Fernbridge   The Sunday People has revealed that Haroon ‘Harry’...

Playing the rating game

The real reason Katie Hopkins has been making “outrageous” comments   In the last week there has been much debate as to why Katie Hopkins has been appearing on our screens making such outrageous remarks. We...

Crack off

Katie Hopkins causes yet more offence   Katie Hopkins is plainly on a publicity drive. Last week she caused offence by stating that she wouldn’t allow her children near any named Chardonnay, Charmaine or Tyler and...

A Murdoch and a mockery

Parliament’s decision to recall Rupert Murdoch is just ludicrous   Parliament’s culture select committee has decided to recall Rupert Murdoch after revelations that he regretted co-operating in the inquiry into phone hacking. Frankly, this is just...

Something and nothing

Rupert Murdoch’s comments on the police investigation into phone hacking have a degree of logic to them   In stating that the covertly recorded remarks made by Rupert Murdoch and broadcast on Channel 4 yesterday do...

What about other missing children?

A new investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann   A new investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann is all very well but given the colossal costs involved and the fact that many other...

Amazonian takes on the City

Gina and Alan Miller launch the True & Fair Investment Calculator   Already well known for their groundbreaking True & Fair Campaign, Gina and Alan Miller have recently launched a free online calculator that enables investors...

Hall's Dragon

Rachel Elnaugh shares some rather strange views on Stuart Hall’s sentence on Twitter   As it is reported that jailed paedophile Stuart Hall is facing another seventeen allegations of sexual abuse, The Steeple Times was surprised...

No one can disgrace us but ourselves

Anthony Marshall’s disgrace is complete   Anthony Marshall, heir to the fortune of Brooke Astor, finally faced justice yesterday in Manhattan. He did so wearing sweat pants, a cardigan and a pair of Toms slippers. Delivered...

Saving Skilling

Jeffrey Skilling gets 10 years sliced off his sentence   The disgraced Enron chief executive officer Jeffrey Skilling has been in jail since 2006. This week 10 years has been cut off his 24 year jail...

What an Oddjob

Bill Oddie defends Rolf Harris   “Personalities” from the 1980s seem to like making odd statements about paedophilia and sexual abuse. First it was William Roache and then came Jim Davidson and Max Clifford. All three...

A stay of execution

Anthony Marshall gets another day of freedom   Anthony Marshall, the 89-year old son of the late philanthropist Brooke Astor, got a one day stay of execution from Judge A. Kirke Bartley this afternoon.   Marshall, a former...

Five of the best: Here comes the sun

The Steeple Times suggests five things to bring cheer to Julian Assange’s grey existence   The fugitive Julian Assange will have been in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London for exactly one year tomorrow, the 19th...

‘M’s’ the word

Theresa May agrees to fund full-scale Met inquiry into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann   Last year, Theresa May hosted a reception with a woman named Lady Meyer in Downing Street. Kate McCann, the mother of...

Picture of the Week: Turning the sky red, white and blue

The Red Arrows flypast over Buckingham Palace is an annual delight   Every year on the Queen’s official birthday the skies of London become a spectacular theatre for just a few minutes. Today was no exception.   At...

The grateful D(e)ad

Claire Rubinstein laments this year’s Father’s Day offerings   As far as celebrations go, Father's Day seems to be a decidedly tepid affair if the dismal offerings from the High Street are anything to go by.   We'd...

Return of a King

William Dalrymple suggests the past should guide anyone considering invading Afghanistan   Last night I attended a reception hosted by Sir Tom Stoppard and the Founders’ Circle of the London Library at the East India Club...

Sunning Assange

Does a fugitive have the right to sun?   Ecuador’s foreign minister Richard Patino has called for his country’s enforced guest, Julian Assange, to be allowed the right to sunbathe and have a bit of “intimacy”....

What a pair of plates

Nick Griffin visits Bashar Assad and an Assad inspired number plate appears in London   In a not so extraordinary move, Nick Griffin MEP, leader of Britain’s most obnoxious political party, the BNP, is in Syria...