As “monster mover” Ghislaine Maxwell claims to be too frail to testify at her trial and gets a rejection over having her witnesses testify under pseudonyms, the judge in the case pops off to Washington to plan her own future after a nomination from President Biden; a true power play is now underway.
Nikolay Kalinin contrasts ‘The Gavinator’ Gavin Newsom’s reopening of California with Boris Johnson’s still closed Britain and slams the latter for allowing the Indian variant to spread.
Ghislaine Maxwell’s latest supporter revealed to be Jay Beecher, a far right-wing political writer and ex-Ukipper with associations to the quite rightly banned-from-Facebook ‘Politicalite’
Lady Victoria Hervey shows herself to be a contradictory cretin by selling PPE but refusing to wear a mask herself; she fails to mention her ex-lover Prince Andrew or links to Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.