BREAKING NEWS: Boris Johnson set to attempt to return to Westminster
It was inevitable but it is excellent news: Boris Johnson has decided to stand for Parliament again at next year’s elections.

The Mayor of London this morning announced he will “try to find somewhere to stand” as an MP but won’t be quitting City Hall before his term ends in 2016.
Johnson commented:
“I think in all probability I will try to find somewhere to stand. It is highly unlikely I will be successful in that venture but I will try that”.
The Steeple Times, for one, will definitely be backing Boris. He’s the best hope the Tories have got.
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I have a simplistic test regarding leaders………..
Were I in the trenches in the first World War and I were about to be led to my certain death by my commanding officer; were he Boris I would willingly go over the top……….so there!
The men shot idiotic officers like Johnson rather than be led over the top under suicidal conditions.
And if knew anything about you might be talking about you would have been fighting Boris: him being Turkish.
Boris is a turk, we would not expect him to fight in any war for Britain. Maybe whores , but that is Buller shit…….