The mess that is the phone hacking trial
The public have tired of the phone hacking trial and despite Stuart Kuttner, the News of the World’s former managing editor, being placed in the dock today and the paper’s former news editor being declared “currently unfit” to face trial, there is now very little coverage of this extraordinary case.

One individual on trial told me last December that this case would “go away” and a year later it looks increasingly likely that the muddy waters that engulf this trial might indeed just sink it. Revelations of Tony Blair allegedly having an affair with Rupert Murdoch’s now ex-wife Wendi Deng were almost certainly leaked with a view towards this purpose and such people as Eimar Cook, the ex-wife of Colin Montgomerie, giving “confused” evidence further bolsters my belief.
The phone hacking trial may well come to something. It increasingly, however, seems like it will not.
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Shameless open lewdness carried out to the extend of exciting public scandal is unacceptable and must be proclaimed a indictable offence under common law. The affluent elite and celebrity sorts indulge in casual and indiscriminate sexual relationships mingled in a confused and dysfunctional manner while very high on recreational illegal chemical substances and spirits. The Press is right to report it, and expose them, it is obvious why they want to restrict press freedom. Tony Blair is not too bothered, he knows Vicky Pryce is available.