Accompanying an endorsement of ‘The Steeple Times’ by “the BBC’s favourite property expert” Henry Pryor, our readership grows to over 500,000 in one single day
Since our inception The Steeple Times has become known for not being afraid to go where others won’t. Having been at the forefront of exposing the now convicted sex offenders Max Clifford, Rolf Harris and Jimmy Savile, we are delighted to add another string to our bow.

This morning a tweet from the property expert Henry Pryor provided a very welcome endorsement of another area that we are becoming well known for. It read:
“[The Steeple Times is] fast becoming the source of the best property gossip”.
We had over 538,000 unique views on our stories yesterday and though our coverage of such things as the Elm Guest House scandal – which the mainstream media is still shamefully too timid to touch – are the core of what we do, we are pleased that leading figures in such fields as property, food and drink and motoring welcome our contributions on these subjects too.
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You should stick to writing about property instead of upsetting the apple cart elsewhere Steeples.