Ex-jailbird Vicky Pryce employs a former prisoner as her PA
Vicky Pryce plainly has no desire to fade from the limelight. Having served two months of an eight month sentence herself, the shameless ex-wife of Chris Huhne has employed a female former prisoner as her personal assistant.

Of the individual concerned – whose name has not been revealed – Pryce (who never seems able to do anything quietly) revealed:
“In particular areas, criminals know a lot better how to avoid a number of things happening. In a number of security firms, if you’re trying to see how to prevent anyone from coming in, the person who can tell you most is perhaps someone who has been there, done it, but doesn’t want to do that again”.
Indeed. It takes one to know one.
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Come on. Vicky “did her bid”. Give her a chance. Seriously – Who on earth do you think you are to judge? Your site makes me vomit.
Vicky Pryce did not commit the crime of the century, however she is desperate for any kind of publicity to market her book and for whatever else she has in the pipeline. Vicky is also attempting to dry clean her tarnished image, and by giving a former convict the opportunity to be her personal assistant could appear to be a caring gesture to the public. It creates the impression that she has a big heart, the old caring and compassion spiel. Her Public Relations people have a plan of action, for sure. It is spin.
What does “did her bid” mean? You seem to be a thick.
Vicky Pryce is a brilliant woman who did the right thing by her bad husband. Leave her be.
Vicky Pryce is doing something positive. Why don’t you? Pathetic article.
Mrs Pryce is an honest woman whose husband forced her to do bad things. You should publish a retraction for this garbage and an apology to Vicky.
Vicky Pryce was convicted as a liar. You lot are thick if you think her to be reformed. Leopards, spots and all that. Seriously. The comments here must have been written by her mates or publicist. Steeple is correct in his analysis.