Friday, March 14, 2025

Quote of the Week: “Babel after the collapse, but with 4x4s”


Giles Coren sums up what Knightsbridge has become


I came across our Quote of the Week whilst searching for information about the charming Knightsbridge restaurant Chabrot. Upon reading a review by Giles Coren from The Times, I just knew that I had to share the most accurate portrayal of this area I’ve read yet.


The streets of Knightsbridge are sadly now jammed by Range Rover driving super rich sorts
The streets of Knightsbridge are sadly now jammed by Range Rover driving super rich sorts
Tamara Ecclestone is a typical example of such a person
Tamara Ecclestone is a typical example of such a person

Of Knightsbridge, Coren commented:


“Nobody knows each other here. No two inhabitants were born of the same continent. It’s Babel after the collapse, but with 4x4s. And nobody here seems to have anything better to do on a Saturday and et in those 4x4s, five or six a vehicle, and spend the evening crawling around in their own traffic jam, texting each other. Sometimes texting pals a few cars back in the queue. Sometimes pals in the back of the same car. (‘Hey, Ronit Zimzim here. Still got all my money. You?’)”


Coren is bang on the nail: The money park that Knightsbridge now is has sadly lost its soul. Will the last Englishman to leave the Royal Borough please switch off the (few remaining) lights?



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    1. It’s a sobering thought, one wonders how it will all end,in the not too distant future it is quite possible that central London will have simply become a safe money park for the super rich and completely lost it’s soul, and no one normal will want to live in it anymore even if they could afford to. It is even possible that another European city, with more normal social demographics will take over as the cool place to live.

    2. Brompton Road, Beauchamp Place and around Harrods have become tawdry and vulgar. The only consolation is that containing the rich, international crooks and riff raff in K’bridge means they won’t infect the pleasanter parts of Chelsea. I remember all of you who supported the Arab supercar racers barrelling around the streets and you thinking it fun. Well, now you can see what happens when you allow Middle Easterners to colonise our streets.
      The stench of shisha pipes in Beauchamp Place and Brompton Rd is now the signature smell of the area.

    3. Harrods has been uber vulgar ever since it was kidnapped by that vile Egyptian gutter snipe, Fayad.

    4. I came to London to study at the LSE in 1992, and lived in Cadogan Square since , until 2007.
      Knightstbridge was so very different until 4-5 years ago. It was elegant , cosmopolitan, combining tradition, fun and style. Harrods was mesmerising , it started going down since the Fayed bought it indeed but it is not until the Qataris bought it that it became unrecognizable.
      The prices of properties may have rocketed but the quality and style of the inhabitants has plummeted . It is a real shame and I think the blame is on UK policy that allowed the best parts of the Capital to be sold off as trophies to an invasion of the new unlimited money coming to wash off on the UK shores

    5. Thank you Alex ;)) Lorraine is a very good friend of mine and what this horrible person is doing is disgusting, I’d have thought by now all the comments would have been taken down

    6. The person pretending to be lorraine mentioned that they had been in emmerdale and the Campari ads… What more proof do you need. I will pass your email address on to lorraine, her agent and solicitor and maybe that will also convince you. I also send you a private email which you have yet to respond to…

    7. I will forward the email again and I will speak to lorraine and ask her permission to send you her mobile number so you can contact her yourself

    Comments are closed.


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