The axing of one of the world’s most iconic vehicles is a disgrace
The very last Land Rover Defender will roll out of the company’s Birmingham factory in December 2015. Killed off after 67 successful years, the loss of “The Best 4×4 By Far” thanks to the EU’s emission legislation is another nail in the coffin of Britain’s freedom.

The Defender has conquered the Arctic, crossed deserts and been used in battles. It has starred in Bond films and is one of the Queen’s favourite cars. The vehicle has been used by farmers, on shoots and by construction workers. There’s literally nowhere that the Defender hasn’t been.
As Quentin Wilson argued in today’s Mirror, the Defender is the “most recognised automotive silhouette on the planet”. Never have The Sun’s words “Up Yours Delors!” rung truer.
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Shame on Tata. They should stand firm. They’ve got the $$$$ to fight such bull.
To be fair to Tata they took a huge risk and the Government of the day(Labour) gave no help to them.
Yet one more reason to get ourselves out this ludicrous, self serving EU. And Cameron seriously thinks he can negotiate better terms? They must think him an idiot. Farage is right: there can no negotiation which will achieve anything and we need to exit sharpish
A real shame
You are right Matthew
As if a few of these cars can do more damage than the millions of shonky vehicles on the planet. What is going on here?