Sir Cliff Richard pompously announces his calendar sales “leaves David Beckham standing” and makes Kylie Minogue’s look “meagre”
“The Peter Pan of Pop” Sir Cliff Richard is in jubilant mood. After having seen off various interesting allegations against him in 2016, the Christian singer has taken to the Internet to announce his calendar sales “leaves David Beckham standing” and makes Kylie Minogue’s look “meagre.”
The self-declared “genuine celebrity” – perceived to be a “national treasure” by some but loathed for his connections to the Krays, Rolf Harris, Sir Jimmy Savile and Lord Boothby by others – offers calendars on his official site for between £5.99 (for a “slim” Cliffy) and £9.99 (for what is bizarrely termed a “collectors edition”). Though it is supposedly “selling fast,” those with a desire for more can have Cliff in their pocket: His “official” diary can be had for just £5.99. How the ‘Faithful Ones’ fall.
Pictured above – Sir Cliff Richard with his friend Rolf Harris.
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Funny photo captions… “Sir Cliff with the late paedophile…”
Where’s Kitty?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!
I bet the Young one cringes when he looks at those pics now. I’m not gay, but I’ve slept with a guy who is.
Thank you “Dodge”……Still laughing !!!
Otherwise, this is ALL just bloody tawdry………..
Yes! I bet he wishes he could erradicate those pictures of him with the most horrible sick perverted sicko, Jimmy Savile!!! What a complete and utter scumbag.
Oh I forgot to mention, perhaps the bachelor boy can explain why his name was on the VIP guest list at the notorious Elm guest house, Just saying..
Rise Up is the worst piece of music I have ever heard. He should be locked in a room with it forever as penance. Put that vicar in there too. Foul goods the both of them.
Cilla Black surrounded herself with known sexual perverts
Cliff Richard pretended for years to be a christian while all the time being a sexual pervert