As dimwitted dunce Sarah, Duchess of York again leaps to the defence of ropey ratbag Prince Andrew, we again ask ‘Feckless Fergie’ if she ever repaid loans taken from the croaked paedophile Jeffrey Epstein; it is time for some answers
Sarah, Duchess of York would most likely rather a photograph taken of her on 13th February 2010 to forever disappear. It was taken at the now infamous Lenox Hill, New York ‘Paedo Palace’ where Jeffrey Epstein conducted so much of his abuse and it features the royal ratbag grinning like ‘The Cheshire Cat’ alongside the since croaked paedophile’s also since deceased maid, Jun-Lyn Fontanilla.
Epstein, at that stage, was a convicted sex offender who had been released from jail on 22nd July 2009 and one would have thought someone would have advised the son of the late Queen Elizabeth II that hanging around in places of perversion might not be a good idea.
Just as was the case with her non-sweating, mate of Putin loving Bernie Ecclestone ex-husband – who himself spent a few days, where he claimed he was “ending the friendship,” at the “house of horror” at 9 East 71st Street, Lenox Hill subsequently on or about 6th December 2010 – it is clear that here is a woman lacking in the good sense to see that hanging around with a paedophile and his staff was never going to be wise.
Now the proud ‘owner’ – though she can’t sell it without the permission of her daughters whom created a clause effective to such on it – of a £5 million pad in ritzy Belgravia, London, ‘Feckless Fergie’ is currently on yet another tour of America flogging her tawdry tat.
This time in New York promoting a bonkbuster “romance novel” titled A Most Intriguing Lady, the 63-year-old raced to the defence of the ex-husband she weirdly still lives with. She made no comment as to whether they’d be moving from Royal Lodge to Frogmore Cottage, but claimed: “I feel that he [Prince Andrew is] a very good man. Zip.”
Still showing no sign of realising how loathed the Duke of York is, the redheaded rotter added:
“He’s had a few difficult years… [He’s] been going through such a tumultuous time… Since he stepped back [from royal duties] he doesn’t actually take taxpayers’ money. And I’m in a position where I can support him and the rest of the family through my work. And I’m really pleased and proud to do that.”
On Twitter this morning, Matthew Steeples took a very different view. He asked of the former Sarah Ferguson:
“As grasping grifter Sarah, Duchess of York defends Prince Andrew whilst answering chosen questions on latest moneymaking tour in NYC, should she answer as to whether she ever repaid loans taken from Jeffrey Epstein?”
Editor’s Note – Unlike as is the case in many publications, this article was NOT sponsored or supported by a third-party. Follow Matthew Steeples on Twitter at @M_Steeples.
Pictured Top – Sarah, Duchess of York with Jeffrey Epstein’s maid Jun-Lyn Fontanilla (left) and promoting an aptly titled book named ‘Odd’ (right).

The Weird Words of “Greedy” and “Needy” Sarah, Duchess of York
Given the live-in ex-wife at Royal Lodge, Windsor of supposedly skint ‘Randy Andy’ – a non-sweating man who got his long-suffering relatives to pay a supposed sum of circa £12 million to Virginia Roberts Giuffre, a woman he has previously claimed to have met – is in America to prattle on to anyone who pays to listen, perhaps she should be reminded of her own weird and even weirder warblings. They number:
Of sex, her and goats: “One of the worst headlines said 82% [of the population] would rather sleep with a goat than Fergie. It’s never left me.”
Of the royal family: “They tried to put the little redhead in a cage.”
Of her own family: “I do believe in family unity. I think forgiveness is key.”
Of the Duke of York: “A good man… In 1986, I married a very good man. Zip.”
Of supporting her disgraced ex-husband financially: “I will always be there [for Prince Andrew].”
“When Andrew went through a hard time, I used to be able to throw it to ‘The Boss.’”
“Since he stepped back [from royal duties] he doesn’t actually take taxpayers’ money and I’m in a position where I can support him and the rest of the family through my work. And I’m really pleased and proud to do that.”
“All I will say is that for many years now – it started with Budgie the Little Helicopter – I’ve really pushed to look after my girls and to contribute to the York family life.”
Of her daughters Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie: “Exceptional… I love my girlies, I’m so proud of them. They are exceptional children… If mum’s OK, they’re OK.”
Of the late Queen Elizabeth II: “More my mother than my mother… The Queen was like a hand of support behind your back without being there.”
“For the whole nation, for the world. Steadfast, consistent, iconic. [She had an] extraordinary ability to put someone at ease. I still now think it was such an honour [to have known her].”
“During the last three years, her poor son [was] going through such a tumultuous time… And I think HM was very relieved I could help her with him, so we became even closer, then.”
Of the late Queen’s corgis: “They’re very good boys, they’re very gentle. I think they knew that they weren’t to jump up and be naughty. They used to sit and watch the racing with her. And when you give them a biscuit, they don’t snatch. They’re very special, they’re national treasures.”
Of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex: “I have been judged all my life, and I have no judgment on the Sussexes.”
“It must be hard for Meghan and can I relate to her. I believe she is modern and fabulous. She was famous before. She is great. Why can’t Meghan be great? Why can’t she be celebrated? I have been in Meghan’s shoes, and I still am. There’s always a twist of negativity and it just gets so sad and tiring… I abhor bullying and I feel desperately sorry for the pain they must be going through.”
Of herself and her life: “I have been in the gutter.”
“I’m a brilliant mother. The best mother.”
“I don’t believe that any single person has the right to judge another person. I’m not in a position myself to make any judgments.”
Of food, family and dining: “As long as it is hot, wet and goes down the right way, it’s fine with me.”
“With every smell, I smell food. With every sight, I see food. I can almost hear food. I want to spade the whole lot through my mouth at Mach 2. Basta!”
“We all sit round the table and eat together. Andrew and I believe in total parent unity. We’re best friends.”
On the coronation of King Charles III: “Well I’ve decided the best thing about British around a coronation – although I’ve never been to one – I think we should, I should set up a tea room at the bottom of the drive with bunting and cakes.”
Of wanting to be a television star: “I would quite like to go on Dancing With The Stars. I would like somebody to teach me to tango. I do know the show and my children would be so proud of me.”
Of when she decided she wanted to bag a royal: “I met [Prince Andrew] when I was 12, and I said: ‘I’m going to marry him.’”
Of marriage, divorce and work: “I left my marriage knowing I’d have to work. I have.”
“I didn’t want a divorce, but had to because of circumstance.”
“I wish we’d never got divorced. He and I both wish we’d never divorced, but we did. I wish I could go back and be the bride again, but I can’t.”
Of her many, many mistakes: “I felt that I ostracised myself by my behaviour, by the past, by living with all the regrets of my mistakes, that I sort of wore a hair shirt and beat myself up most of the day thinking and regretting why did I make such a mistake. Why have I made so many mistakes?”
“You look at the devil in the face, which you do. Then you forgive, and you say: ‘OK, I’ve made almost a mistake that will never be forgotten,’ and forgive.”
“I was so out of control with desperation… I was looking for quick fixes in the places I wouldn’t normally look… I’ve been a huge overtrusting, idiotic, stupid woman that went to look for the perfect situation, and that’s all I can say really.”

Diana said once that she didn’t know Fergie. She just started hanging on her and calling her “Duch” ~ a nickname given to her by her family. From clinging to Diana, she was fixed up with Prince Andrew and she became a member of the BRF with a title. Charles and Philip hated her because they saw through her. Charles did not like the influence she had (for a while) over Diana, and he said she never stops talking. Allegedly, she sold the York Tiara that Queen Elizabeth had made for her – for her wedding and she wore several times, and sold many other valuable pieces of jewelry given to her. She sold everything that wasn’t nailed down. Rumor, she even sold herself to rich men (sleep with the duchess for . . .). All that said, she’s trash, which could be why she does relate to Markle, and the Yorks’/Markle/Soho House connections needs to be investigated.
Fergie has been raising her profile since Prince Philip’s passing as she knows the Palace will protect her. I like Fergie but she never learns her lesson and you know it is going to go horribly wrong.
‘Of food, family and dining: “As long as it is hot, wet and goes down the right way, it’s fine with me.” ‘
Matthew, are you sure she was talking about food, family and dining? Absolutely sure?
Fergie is so hulking and noisy …too much contribution from she and Harry….eegads they pipe up despite disinterest…who told her she was in the spot light? Who told Harry he was interesting ? I’m not certain Diana would approve of either of them. She must be rolling her eyes from the grave.
And yes, the food comment is yucky.
Good one Margaret.. I’m still chuckling over your post. She did hang with Epstein after all so,you could be on to.something. ^^^^^

As ever, she always, always, always opens her mouth and says the wrong thing.
“I have been judged all my life, and I have no judgment on the Sussexes.”
“I’m a brilliant mother. The best mother.”
What has it got to do with the Steeple Times, or, indeed, anybody, whether or not she’s repaid any loan?
And if you want to solicit ‘contributions’, I suggest that you learn how to write..
Steeple times has to do with anything it chooses. That’s the fun. Cheer up.
Whoa! Such bitterness S Jones. Hope you feel better soon.