Aside from showing audacity in wearing shoes featuring the words ‘Never Complain’ and ‘Never Explain’ after her ex-husband’s £12 million payout to a woman he claimed to have never met, isn’t it time that Sarah, Duchess of York confirms if she ever paid the paedophile Jeffrey Epstein back?
Yesterday, Richard Eden – the Daily Mail’s venerable diarist – decided to mention that Sarah, Duchess of York had been spotted at Oswald’s in Mayfair wearing a pair of slippers featuring the words ‘Never Complain’ and ‘Never Explain.’
Repeating that story yet again this morning, the apologist for amongst others the paedophile Rolf Harris, in her frankly tedious weekly column, the harpy and harridan that is Amanda Platell added that she thinks that “[the woman formerly known as Sarah Ferguson] might want to explain why she took £20,000 for advising a Northern Ireland caravan tycoon embroiled in allegations of money laundering on top of a £225,000 separate payment. Caravans? Has she ever set foot in one?”
Both columnists might note that Hello! first referenced Prince Andrew’s live-in ex-wife’s ludicrous footwear as “different, but cool” in May 2019 and that The Steeple Times featured Fergie’s other ‘feet-related incidents’ in July 2021 – amongst them that infamous “toe-sucking incident” and the time that she blamed the late Diana, Princess of Wales for catching verrucas.
Equally, aside from having a pop at the definite dimwit over the money she took from Alphabet Capital and the £232,000 she owes to “Chinese investors,” it is time that the mainstream media dealt with a far more serious matter. Sarah, Duchess of York has never confirmed whether she repaid the loan and “further assistance” she took from the since croaked paedophile Jeffrey Epstein and it is now time to remind her that without an answer, she simply continues to bring shame on the already shamed House of York.

The Weird Words of “Greedy” and “Needy” Sarah, Duchess of York
Of sex, her and goats: “One of the worst headlines said 82% [of the population] would rather sleep with a goat than Fergie. It’s never left me.”
Of the royal family: “They tried to put the little redhead in a cage.”
Of her life: “I have been in the gutter.”
Of food, family and dining: “As long as it is hot, wet and goes down the right way, it’s fine with me.”
“With every smell, I smell food. With every sight, I see food. I can almost hear food. I want to spade the whole lot through my mouth at Mach 2. Basta!”
“We all sit round the table and eat together. Andrew and I believe in total parent unity. We’re best friends.”
Of wanting to be a television star: “I would quite like to go on Dancing With The Stars. I would like somebody to teach me to tango. I do know the show and my children would be so proud of me.”
Of when she decided she wanted to bag a royal: “I met [Prince Andrew] when I was 12, and I said: ‘I’m going to marry him.’”
Of marriage, divorce and work: “I left my marriage knowing I’d have to work. I have.”
“I didn’t want a divorce, but had to because of circumstance.”
“I wish we’d never got divorced. He and I both wish we’d never divorced, but we did. I wish I could go back and be the bride again, but I can’t.”
Of her many, many mistakes: “I felt that I ostracised myself by my behaviour, by the past, by living with all the regrets of my mistakes, that I sort of wore a hair shirt and beat myself up most of the day thinking and regretting why did I make such a mistake. Why have I made so many mistakes?”
“You look at the devil in the face, which you do. Then you forgive, and you say: ‘OK, I’ve made almost a mistake that will never be forgotten,’ and forgive.”
“I was so out of control with desperation… I was looking for quick fixes in the places I wouldn’t normally look… I’ve been a huge, over-trusting, idiotic, stupid woman that went to look for the perfect situation, and that’s all I can say really.”
Matthew, I love your style of writing, so unbiased, haha. I am a HUGE fan of Shaun Attwood’s and read most of your contributions. Love you much.