Expose interview with Matthew Steeples by Shaun Attwood and Jennifer Hopkins about the former Meghan Markle watched over 73,000 times in 16 hours since it aired; Steeples condemns hapless Prince Harry and his meddling menace wife
Over 73,000 viewers have watched a 1:10:24-minute interview with Shaun Attwood, Jennifer Hopkins and Matthew Steeples on YouTube since it aired at 7pm GMT last night.
Shared also in shorter segments that have been watched thousands of times also and titled ‘Meghan Markle Expose’ by Atwood to his 756,000 subscribers, the feature was a deep delve into many matters about the meddling menace Duchess of Sussex, her birth family and the family she married into.
Covering the ongoing saga of ‘Missing Meghan’ – who subsequently emerged from her two month ‘disappearing act’ a day after the interview was filmed last Friday to attend a bit of a bash with the alleged bully Ellen DeGeneres – Steeples did not hold back on airing his thoughts and condemned the Archewell Foundation having given just 23% of the donations it has received as “an utter disgrace.”
Turning to Prince Harry’s friendship circle, Steeples called out the way in which this rotten royal has ditched those that he grew up with and moved into a world of “me, me and me” with his wife. “With rights come responsibilities,” he argued before going through issues such as the alleged 10-year disappearance of Meghan’s mother Doria Ragland, the ex-Suits actress changing religion and the clear lies told about the date of her 2018 marriage.
Editor’s Note – Unlike as is the case in many publications, this article was NOT sponsored or supported by a third-party. Follow Matthew Steeples on Twitter at @M_Steeples.
Follow Shaun Attwood on Twitter at @shaunattwood and Jennifer Hopkins on Instagram at @jenhopkins88.
Pictured Top – The Duchess of Sussex hits the headlines daily and in spite of her disappearing act – which may or may not have involved the billionaire Gordon Getty – this meddling isn’t helping matters with her antics; pictured right with a clearly displeased Theresa May.
What’s the truth about the stories that abound about the Duchess of Sussex?
- In November 2021, the duchess was forced to apologise to the Appeal Court in London for making a misleading statement in her privacy case against The Mail on Sunday’s publishers.
- Her very own father, Thomas, has called out her many untruths about him and others again, again and again.
- Of her claiming having got married the day before she actually did, Mr Markle stated: “Lying about the archbishop? How can you say: ‘We’ve been married three days before we got married’? Her lies are so obvious, I don’t know why she says them.”
- Her very own half-sister, Samantha Markle, who is currently bringing a defamation case against her, has called her out as a liar on multiple occasions also. It has been proven that the duchess’s claim that she hasn’t seen her sibling in over 20 years was untrue given a photo of the pair together 14 years ago proves quite to the contrary.
- Her very own half-brother, Thomas Jr., said of her: “I told Prince Harry, I think she’s going to ruin your life. She’s very shallow… She’s a phony, a bully, a jaded, shallow, conceited woman.”
- The wife of Prince Harry has been called out on multiple occasions for spinning stories against other members of the royal family, most especially the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
- Staff who’ve worked for her have complained that she is a bully and investigations into this remain ongoing.
- The Duchess of Sussex is a known manipulator of the press and paparazzis and it has been claimed that she’ll “twist the truth” to get any headline she wants.
- Questions remain as to how many times she’s actually been married in total. Some say twice, some say thrice.
- What’s the truth about Meghan’s mother Doria Ragland? Is this clearly equally manipulative woman an honest and decent citizen or is she a jailbird who has spent time in the clink?
- Did the ‘Montecito Meddler’ meet Prince Andrew or Prince Harry first? Rumours abound that she could have spent time and holidayed with the former as long ago as 2001 and that her claim to have no prior knowledge of the royal family until 2016 is just utter baloney.
- “Would you trust this woman with a bargepole?” is something often asked of this money motivated minx.

One word suffices:
Love the ‘curtains’
(or ‘coytains’ in retro New York gangster accent).
Now now. Joan,you know this woman is as pure as the driven snow. We need to.stop picking on the poor thing.. Just kidding. She is a real piece of human
. Matthew, keep exposing that phony. ^^^^^
That dress, always reminded me of a doona cover!
It’s very simple re; Me me….. You can’t make a silk purse out of a sows ear
Hey y’all, I saw a UK poll about, the spare parts Prince. It says 95% of the Uk.public want Mr Frosty Todger’s title stripped! Don’t know how scientific the particular poll is but,either way I would venture to guess it’s pretty accurate. NOW, whoever the powers that be actually act on it. Are you listening King Charles3rd? Are you listening British parliament? Listen to your public. The majority of Americans are on YOUR side too. We’re totally fed up with your idiot Prince & his Mrs carrot boobs. REMOVE those titles!
Excellent well said couldn’t agree more
So glad the rest of the world is waking up to her now. She’s a dangerous greedy manipulator who is being exposed. Watch out Getty
I am English and just wanted to say that we the UK public had enough of Harry and Murky years ago,if Harry alone or with wicked witch turn up for the Coronation of our beloved King the nation will boo them or turn their backs,just hope the media is watching closely,we feel for you all in USA having someone like her as a US citizen, lets hope that she doesn’t get her claws into Mr Getty,she’s dangerous.
@Elspeth. If the Frosty Todger couple are @ the coronation, I have one request. Please booooo for me. Wondering perhaps if Mr Getty could known the ole gal from her yacht days (allegedly).
Have a great day. Btw, the sugars sure have been strangely quite lately & THAT is heaven.
I’ll boo them on your behalf Lottie.
@ Elspeth, thanks. Will be much appreciated. ^^^^^
You’re a sick nation. What has this woman done to you? My good Lord! You’re such a bunch of haters. Leave her the hell alone. Put all your energies into your future king, the bully. You’ve heard and actually seen the bullying towards his only sibling. Wake up and smell the coffee you bunch of hating idiots
Grow up she lies wakey wakey
What has this woman done? For starters she has used every man in her life to social climb,she is a big ole bully. She turned against her own father who paid her college tuition, put her in a private school, etc etc. She paid nothing. She turned Harry against his own family, who.he got along with before that itch entered his life. She bullied little Princess Charlotte, threw a hot drink on a person, lied on Princess Catherine, quite possibly lied about being pregnant. I do not believe there is an actual Lilibet. I believe Archie is from a surrogacy. You sugars are not the only ones allowed an opinion. SO, I could go on & on about the wicked witch of the west. There’s been much scrubbed from.the internet about that thing in monteshitshow. There have been screen shots taken & saved. She’s green with jealousy of the beautiful & gracious Princess Catherine. SO, we will continue exposing her. Better get use to it. Now,go take a chill pill & stop telling us what to say or think. You do sound quite bitter yourself & a bit irrational. Just sayin.
People should leave Harry alone. What he needs from the British public is love not hate and rejection. He needs counselling. He’s a prince and will always be a prince nothing can change that. The British public can scream and shout it won’t make any difference. King Charles is his father. He loves him. The British public has too much hate in them.
Are you certain he will always be a prince? There is no such thing as royal blood…that’s absurd….but there is a role to be played if you end up being told you have it. Harry and Andrew are a couple of jokers that really believe they are someone special because of their blood.
William and Catherine understand the truth and act accordingly. Princely is as Princely does. It will be a relief to get this coronation over with. It would be nice for Andrew and Harry and their brides to disappear into all that repulsive luxury once and for all. They are so embarrassing.
The hate lies with the British public you say? Oopsie,wrong. The hate started when the 2 clowns of CA went on Oprah & lied &, it’s been proven they lied. They should expect backlash after calling the Brf racist. Boy howdy,let me tell ya, we Americans have never loved the Brf more. You can thank your idiot Prince & his grifter low life wife. They’re both merely Rich trash. We don’t want ole Frosty Todger OR his trash bag wife in America. Thought ole Hawwy claimed to be a war hero?? Sounds more like a keyboard or video game warrior wannabe. thank God William was born first. There is ample proof that Mrs frosty todger has a history being a bully.
Haha, good one MS Joan!^^^^. The sugars are becoming extremely unhinged and & quite stale. The need to sterilize that sugar bowl. Thanks for the new words. You da best as the youngsters would say. I’m loving your vernacular!

Thanks for that my dear fellas!
you are so full of shit. You literally have nothing on her apart from fabricated lies. Typical racist boomer.
Aira D. – You sound like a thoroughly odd individual. You are clearly of brain stir fried.