The blithering buffoon that is Boris Johnson and the randy rotter that is Prince Andrew should do the decent thing… Disappear from public view forever and get a room together with their weird wack job wives
Boris Johnson can’t help telling porkie pies and nor can the Duke of York. Equally, the pugnacious pair of them have a problem with keeping their members in their pants and with each of them in frankly boiling hot water right now, it is time for them to both simply go.
Whilst Johnson clearly told falsehoods about going to a bring-your-own-bottle (BYOB) gathering that was clearly a “party” and not a “work event,” as he cretinously claimed in the House of Commons on Wednesday, Prince Andrew’s problems before a New York judge increased significantly also yesterday. This occurred simply because of the same traits shared by these two twerps – sheer arrogance and a complete lack of moral compasses.
Neither ‘Randy Andy’ nor ‘Buffoon Boris’ needed to end up where they have, but neither mouse-not-men have the nous to see when common sense needs to prevail and equally both are guided by rotten, ridiculous women.
In ‘Farting Fergie’ – a woman described in The Sunday Telegraph last weekend by an ‘insider’ as a spendaholic for whom “it doesn’t matter how much money she has, it just seems to slip through her fingers” – the queen’s supposed “favourite son” has a noose round his neck.
Condemned elsewhere by the usually anything but spot on the mark acerbic pen of Amanda Plattell in the Daily Mail on Saturday as a “cling-on… life sentence” just for her presence, whilst the toesucking lover that is the former Sarah Ferguson is a well-meaning yet totally incapable simpleton, Johnson’s appendage is actually a far more dangerous deviant.
Equal to the ‘Duchess of Dim’ in her love for indulging in £840 a roll Lulu Lytle wallpaper and £27,000 takeaways from Lady Bamford’s especially ritzy Daylesford Organic, ‘Costly Carrie’ is someone whose poisonous past stands before our very eyes. Known for chucking red wine at her now husband during temper tantrums, employed for a time by a charity with close links to the incarcerated sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell and the ex-lover of a man with links to the far-right Traditional Britain Group and exposed by the BBC for a Russian fake news scandal, the former Miss Symonds is a pernicious public relations disaster in the making.
It is now time for these four freaks to take the only option left to them… Disappear from public view forever and get a room. They say “birds of a feather flock together” and in Andy, Boris, Carrie and Fergie, there’s most definitely one of those.

Unfortunately, these entitled types spring up like mushrooms after a day’s rain…There will be plenty more to fill their boots, our Public School system has an endless supply….God help the long-suffering British public…Having said that, its entertaining and there’s never a dull moment, as MS is on the ball with all this…Keep at it, Matthew…
Absolutely brilliant description of these people……..some say they are already noosed!…………………
Great article Matthew, and as mentioned, there are plenty more of these self entitled types waiting in the wings. Why the general public as a whole worship these people is beyond me. I see on the news this morning, Randy Andy has been stripped of his military honours, and will continue not to undertake any public duties, also he has to defend his case as a private citizen. What a joke, if he had been a private citizen, he would have been banged up months ago, and what private citizen would have the lawyers he has access to? This begs the question now, where is Andy getting his dosh from, and who is funding his, and her indoors, lavish life style?
Philip must be turning in his grave.
Boris isn’t worried. Hell win the next election and then one after ….
Andy’s mortgage rate would be cheap as he’s royal so prob is only 1% a year.
He also earns a lot of income from private sources
Carrie Symonds belongs with James Stunt. She looks as cheap as Helena the trollop Robinson.