Criminal John Palmer should be remembered as a crook rather than a character
In death, most are rightly remembered for the good rather than the bad things they did but the salutations to the extremely unpleasant criminal John Palmer in the last week have been beyond ridiculous.

Palmer, who was murdered at his Essex home on 24th June, was not, as many have portrayed him, a colourful yet harmless character but instead, simply a violent crook who ruined the lives of many. This high-rolling bully ran his timeshare empire with a rod of iron and profited from the misery he caused. It is no wonder that he had so many enemies but unlike the Krays before him, the myth of his being should not become the thing of books and films.
It is said that “Goldfinger”, as Palmer liked to be known, liked to use the quote: “`Remember the golden rule. He who has the gold makes the rules”. It is a shame that this plainly bright man opted to sell his soul to avarice and it is thus not surprising that John Palmer met a sticky end.
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Although he had a trophy wife and wealth, time indeed caught up with this nasty career criminal in the end….. lengthy article.
Damn right, well said Matthew. This scumbag ruined literally hundreds of peoples lives and being shot was too quick and too clean a death for him but at least the low life has finally gone.
Melting point in time
He lived at Battlefields – historically; later hysterically interesting house – outside Bath; he banked locally at Barclays Keynsham? Branch, who found themselves handling tens of thousands of pounds in illicit cash per day
Have any of you tried switching a perfectly boring staid account from one branch to another?
I agree….soon we will have some idiot writing an opera about the nasty bastard and claiming was lovely to his granny
The moral of the story is never steal of the Banks! They are bigger villans than you will ever be
I don’t think even his mum loved him.!