Saturday, March 8, 2025

Monster of the Moment 2021 – Merelize van der Merwe

Giraffe slaying monster Merelize van der Merwe posed with its heart after being given the chance to slay one as a Valentine’s Day present

Whilst we’ve repeatedly covered the antics of the mentally unhinged serial endangered species killer Larysa Switlyk, today the Mirror published images of another monster posing with a “Valentine’s gift” in the form of the heart of a giraffe she’d just shot.


Shockingly shared elsewhere on Facebook by the perpetrator heself, 32-year-old Merelize van der Merwe’s “wonderful husband paid £1,500 to make her five-year dream come true at a game park last Sunday,” the paper’s Sean Rayment reported.


Going further, the Mirror revealed: “She plans to use her 17-year-old victim’s skin as a rug – and posted her pic with the comment: ‘Ever wondered how big a giraffe’s heart is? I’m over the moon with my Valentines present!’”


In response to this shocking news, Elisa Allen of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals quite rightly concluded:


“One day, trophy hunting will be listed as a sign of a psychiatric disorder, as it should be today. It is grandiosity, serial killing, and bloodlust paired with a burning desire to show off.”


A petition seeking to ban self-proclaimed “public figure” van der Merwe from Facebook was started 4 years ago, but unlike The Steeple Times’ one seeking to achieve the same for fellow Donald Trump obsessive Larysa Switlyk on Instagram, attracted just 457 supporters and was closed.


Join the 17,100 people who’ve already signed a petition seeking to get ‘blue ticked’ bear slaying barbarian Larysa Switlyk banned from Instagram by clicking here. One seeking to achieve the same for Merelize van der Merwe on Facebook deserves to achieve a similar level of success.


Update: 22nd February 2020 – A petition seeking to ban Merelize van der Merwe from Facebook is now live on Please sign it by clicking here.


Deranged deviant Merelize van der Merwe on…

Death threats

“So, after all these death threats from people sitting comfortably behind a computer 15,000 kilometers away, it made me realise one thing… I haven’t hunted enough! So, I’ll go hunt some more tonight!”


Mental disorders

“We have seen mental disorders grow especially with social media giving these people a voice and openly expressing unnatural hatred towards people they never met with Instagram and Facebook. We in the hunting industry I’m sure deals [sic] with more of these unstable people then the psychiatric ward itself.”


“So please next time if someone attacks you for hunting, just remind them they forgot their pills this morning and let’s get these people under control.”


Truth and poetry and hunting

“Truth is like poetry and most people f**king hate poetry… Same when it comes to hunting and conservation people only listen to what they want to hear and not the truth.”



“It’s just these new age liberals who piss and moan and say hunting isn’t natural… You aren’t natural.”



“Kenya has sold its soul to the devil, AKA animal rights activists.”


Prince Harry

“Soon he’ll be back in diapers.”


Donald Trump

“I love Trump because he pisses off all the people I can’t stand.”


“What a privilege it was to look up to a President and know how a President should run a country. Today many are heartbroken across the world.”


“I salute you President Trump. What a man you are and may God bless you on your next chapter in life.”


On those that opposed Trump

“Eat a bag of dicks you dirty f**king communists.”


Celebrating killing an elephant

“After the elephant was down I went to buy beer and gin for team motivation. The next day I looked like a red crab.”


Why she likes killing elephants

“Tell me how hunting [elephants] doesn’t benefit people and the ecosystem.”


How she feels after a “kill”

“I was like a child for two weeks, counting the days. Afterwards I was flooded with emotions.”


People who protect elephants

“Never underestimate the power of stupid.”


People who object to the vile images she shares on social media

“To the dumb f**k who tried to report my video, take this and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine.”


“If you’re looking for a safe space, my page ain’t it… Move along, snowflake.”


Charity and hunting

“Charity is not sustainable, hunting is.”


Killing endangered species and conservation

“The only people protecting these animals are trophy hunters.”


Why she massacres endangered species

“In the end I’m nothing but yet another slave to this trade and a willing one too. The only time I find peace is living life on the edge. I firmly believe one is born like this and not made.”


“We will keep on fighting the animal rights mafia propaganda as hunting has proven sustainable for wildlife.”


“A day without blood is like a day without sunshine… Nature is not a Disney fairytale.”


Monster of the Moment 2021 – Merelize van der Merwe – Giraffe slaying monster Merelize van der Merwe posed with its heart after being given the chance to slay one as a Valentine’s Day present.
Citrus farmer van der Merwe shared images of herself holding the giraffe’s heart and others preparing to butcher the poor slayed animal on her Facebook page.
Monster of the Moment 2021 – Merelize van der Merwe – Giraffe slaying monster Merelize van der Merwe posed with its heart after being given the chance to slay one as a Valentine’s Day present.
In a previous post, she showed an image of herself proudly posing covered in the blood of one of her victims.
Monster of the Moment 2021 – Merelize van der Merwe – Giraffe slaying monster Merelize van der Merwe posed with its heart after being given the chance to slay one as a Valentine’s Day present.
Just like her fellow massacring monster Larysa Switlyk, Merelize van der Merwe is a Donald Trump obsessive. The pair plainly need to get a room.
Monster of the Moment 2021 – Merelize van der Merwe – Giraffe slaying monster Merelize van der Merwe posed with its heart after being given the chance to slay one as a Valentine’s Day present.
Here, Merelize van der Merwe is pictured with an elephant she murdered.
Monster of the Moment 2021 – Merelize van der Merwe – Giraffe slaying monster Merelize van der Merwe posed with its heart after being given the chance to slay one as a Valentine’s Day present.
Another picture of the deranged deviant Merelize van der Merwe with a dead elephant and another of her victims.
Monster of the Moment 2021 – Merelize van der Merwe – Giraffe slaying monster Merelize van der Merwe posed with its heart after being given the chance to slay one as a Valentine’s Day present.
Merelize van der Merwe’s Facebook is peppered with her victims. Supposedly she’s “celebrated” over 500 kills including this unfortunate hippo.
Monster of the Moment 2021 – Merelize van der Merwe – Giraffe slaying monster Merelize van der Merwe posed with its heart after being given the chance to slay one as a Valentine’s Day present.
A lion she killed in the back of a truck.
Monster of the Moment 2021 – Merelize van der Merwe – Giraffe slaying monster Merelize van der Merwe posed with its heart after being given the chance to slay one as a Valentine’s Day present.
Leopards are amongst her favourite prey supposedly.
Monster of the Moment 2021 – Merelize van der Merwe – Giraffe slaying monster Merelize van der Merwe posed with its heart after being given the chance to slay one as a Valentine’s Day present.
This vile woman plainly will kill anything.
Monster of the Moment 2021 – Merelize van der Merwe – Giraffe slaying monster Merelize van der Merwe posed with its heart after being given the chance to slay one as a Valentine’s Day present.
Merelize van der Merwe and her husband Gerhardt with two more beautiful animals they senselessly slayed.
Monster of the Moment 2021 – Merelize van der Merwe – Giraffe slaying monster Merelize van der Merwe posed with its heart after being given the chance to slay one as a Valentine’s Day present.
The wicked witch Merelize van der Merwe must be stopped and just like Larysa Switlyk, she must be banned from social media.
Matthew Steeples
Matthew Steeples
A graduate of the London School of Economics, Matthew Steeples is a writer and marketing consultant. He conceived The Steeple Times as a media arena to fill the void between the Mail Online, The Huffington Post and such organs as the New York Social Diary in 2012.


  1. What a sick evil F%&ing witch of a bitch, I can’t believe nutters like this are allowed guns ffs,
    and a Trump supporter, say’s it all really doesn’t it.

  2. The Giraffe was so old it wasn’t expected to live another year. Killing it gave the local people some meat and money for animal conservation. Or would you rather the Giraffe just die from being old and sick? Maybe killed by a predator animal because he was too weak to fight them off? The arguments against trophy hunting is 100% emotional and zero % substantive.

  3. Die ist böse krank im Kopf und in der Seele, wenn sie überhaupt eine hat. Mit ihr, ihrem Mann und ihren Gehilfen sollte man das Gleiche machen was sie mit den Tieren gemacht hat oder noch machen wird. Und dass wäre noch nicht mal Strafe genug.

  4. So ‘experts’ on here are calling Merelize a sociopath. Have some of the people posting such not seen the hatred they are espousing. Hatred, killing her, taking a bullet. Why is this sort of hatred from animal lovers allowed to fester as comment. Why all the attempts to ban people from enjoying natural pursuits and enjoying themselves. The giraffe was so old it was not expected to live much longer. Shooting it gave the local population some meat and money towards further conservation. It was great Merelize took the opportunity to make the shooting a Valentine Day gift. It is pleasing to see her celebrating her achievements. All the arguments against trophy hunting are 100% psychobabble and emotional nonsense. 0% fact. At least such hunting contributes to the local economy, environment, animal husbandry and conservation.

  5. You should apologise to Merelize immediately. She is doing great things for conservation by spending money that helps conserve and the wider economy also. Apologise and take this rubbish down.

    Right now she’s enjoying the attention. She’s arrogant, stupid, and evil. But maybe instead of feeding her ego with hate mail and petitions to Facebook, who don’t give a damn, we should start a movement to hit her and her husband in the pocket. Track their produce and refuse to buy from anyone who trades with them.

  7. Boycott fruit from her citrus farm. Refuse to buy from any company that deals with them. Hit the evil cow where it hurts most.

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