Annoying pest Christabel Milbanke is confirmed as a fruitcake and someone best avoided
Christabel Milbanke claims to be able to “amplify your brand” – whatever that gibberish means – on Twitter. On Instagram, she’s even more bold and strangely states: “Character is destiny.”
Plainly, however, this dimwitted and somewhat deranged pest is nothing other than typical of the desperados who hang around the bar at Brinkley’s desperately looking for their equally dopey male counterparts. Like others of her sort, she most probably enjoys the ‘banging’ that supposedly goes on in their lavatorial area.
Banned from the South Kensington Club for childishly throwing things at the walls, mother of one and publicity obsessive Miss Milbanke is known for other odd antics. She claims to have been “expelled from every boarding school and fired from every job.” She also has, in her own words, “a lot of high friends in low places.” Classy.
Now, loopy Miss Milbanke – who sadly for those with half a brain emerged from nothing to nuisance in recent months – it seems took umbrage with an Instagram post by The Steeple Times and reported it as inappropriate. We respond today by making this nutjob Mail on Sunday ‘Crush of the Week’ our most worthy ‘Moron of the Moment’ and suggest that is time for this harpy to retreat to where she belongs: A padded cell.
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Send her Down Under!!!!!!!!!!! I’d have some fun with her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds like she’d have to be kept quiet though —– Mental woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But tasty looking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bonkers bird
She ought to stay at home and care for her child. She sounds like an utter nuisance and as an elderly lady, I would suggest her mother take her in hand.
Probably a bloody Vegan as well, that seems to be radically trendy at the mo.
Met her once and I can confirm her to be mentally unbalanced. There is something very unsettling about her belief that she is related to Lord Byron and that she thinks she is famous. The Daily Mail fell for her tick as did Angus Drayton. She is Amin fact just ridiculous and rude.
I hear she gets quite outrageous when anyone gets involved with the father of the child. Best avoided I agree.
Hi, my friend is going out with the father of her kid, and christabel has caused her so much trouble for years now. She’s bullied her daily. It’s really unfair in this poor girl. What did you hear about the situation regarding the father of her kid? I’ll try tell my friend x
The tried and tested saying comes to mind, “nuttier than a squirrel fart”
This woman has a history of violence. She’s a nasty piece of work and attacks any woman due to her jealous nature. She’s mentally unstable and should be locked up. Don’t fall for her lies, she’s no one special, a nobody who bought her Instagram followers and pays people for their friendship. She’s neglected her son for years and dumped the poor kid on her mother.
I’ve seen her around……. Pathetic. She should grow up and stop pretending to be someone she ain’t.
The Mail on Sunday were plainly duped by this woman. She sounds awful.
Would not trust her with a bargepole. A hint of Jane Andrews about her.
Christabel Milbanke is the latest floozy to hit Los Angeles, fresh from over there, where she was Earl’s Courts’ very own tramp without a stamp. Welcome to L.A., Chrissy Bell, find yourself an agent with a casting couch, skip the lessons, schooling and auditions, save your money, f**k an agent and his friends and get a bit part——
Alas, she must have peeved someone else off to! Can this woman not behave herself?
Her surname is not Milbanke, it’s BRAYSON
The hats she wears don’t suit her. She should stop pretending to be someone else, like the previous comments state and care for her child instead.
She is a very unpleasant waste of space.
She looks like she’s been slapped with an eel.
Her event space in Fulham Town Hall is filthy. Disgusting. She should be closed down. Fake Christabel Milbanke is not someone I’d urge anyone to do anything with.
I saw her at the South Kensington Club once behaving very strangely. She is a petulant child and how she is able to look after her a child herself astonishes me given she cannot control herself. Christabel Milbanke and her chums like Helena Robinson, lover of James Stunt, need to grow up and get real jobs.
I am glad to be aware of her true character. These Brinkley’s women are very scary creatures.
Wow. So much bile and venom. Lots of judgement here, people