An image that should come with a health warning
There’s not much to say about our picture of the week, other than it should come with a health warning. The image, a spoof mockup of Cliff Richard, truly is scary.

It was shared with us by a reader who follows a Twitter account named @Celebs_on_Crack. The handle name just about says it all. We urge you not to share this picture with your granny, your nanny and especially not with your children.
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One word: VILE.
One word: BITCH! (and an Exclamation Mark).
Plus Steeple Times is a comic and NOT a newspaper publishing this sort of garbage.
Bloody ***** (alleged)
I guess he will be guilty until proven innocent…what a wonderful world where you can give your whole life and one ugly lie has cowards turning their back and gossiping with all of the hatred I am seeing.
Looks like the police have got a live one at last and not a dead one like Jimmy Savile. But still no upper class aristocrats yet!
People can be so hateful quick to judge others they need to look at themselves see how perfect they are.
in the book of Colossians 3:25 says Certainly the one who does wrong will be repaid for the wrong he has done, and there is no partiality