UKIP leader Nigel Farage isn’t having much luck with his imagery at the moment
In recent days, a picture of Nigel Farage as a punk rocker has been circulated on the Internet. It turned out to be a fake but it amused many. Now, a reader has submitted another rather unfortunate shot, this time taken from a television interview conducted with the UKIP leader.

Farage plainly was either placed intentionally in a position where he would stand in between the letters “T” and “WAT” or this is just another image he could do without. Either way, we do believe it will make many of you laugh.
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There are few leaders that can cause the paranoia Farage does.
When I was young I had to drive Margaret Thatcher around the W.Midlands.
Having met Farage twice I see much of her in him.
Trust you to like Farage. He is a vile man with no moral compass. Oh – I forgot… Sounds just like Maggie Thatcher.
Where do you keep your moral compass Harvey?
I do decent things every day. I think decent thoughts. I say decent things. Farage does quite the opposite.
I am sure there is a place waiting for you in heaven saying decent thinks!!
A bad, bad man. He preaches hate and says nothing positive.
You are right. Only Miliband really stands up to the horror Farage.
Red….are you sure he is not a bad,bad, bad, bad man, rather than a bad, bad man?
The idea of the very weird Millipede standing up to Fargage made me chortle.
He didn’t even have the balls to agree to debate. Mind you after the roasting Farage gave the ludicrous Clegg he was probably wise!
Oh don’t be a silly, hysterical little person! Next thing you will be suggesting he likes to roast babies for his Sunday lunch. For goodness sake….keep a sense of proportion….or maybe sense is something you are short of?
You are plainly a prejudiced right wing idiot as I expected Peter Wayde. Go to therapy.
Where is Therapy? a Greek Isle? Never heard of it, but will google!
Now, Harvey calm down otherwise I will get the men in white coats to come over
with their restraining jackets….
It is not about Right Wing or Left Wing ideologies, it is about common sense.
We will leave the Left Wing values to the likes of the Cyril Smith’s and Jimmy Savile’s.
Farage is not great but beats spineless Liberal Nick Clegg hands down.
Could not agree more Chaim. If Farage is good for anything it’s for putting common sense first. Less government we have overtaxing us and interfering in our lives the better
Farage speaks honestly and has common sense. He stands out against the usual politician..