In insulting his grandmother by deciding not to attend his grandfather’s memorial, Prince Harry yet again shows himself as nothing but a degenerate drip
Prince Harry used to be a fun-loving sort. The kind of lad who’d go behind the bar at La Brasserie on Brompton Cross and make a cocktail or five and then down them in one hit, here was a cheeky chap who’d be as at home downing sloe gin on a shoot or having a snog with Caroline Flack in Boujis.
Now, aided and abetted by his money hungry ‘Modern Day Mrs Simpson’ wife, this noxious nuisance has decided to insult his grandmother by not turning up for his grandfather’s memorial service on 29th March whilst deciding to go the Netherlands on 16th April instead.
Indicative of the self-centred prat that he is, in a 1:30-minute video shared on Vimeo, Prince Charles’ spare son “practiced his Dutch” and “spoke with members of the host country’s team” yesterday.
Curiously looking down rather than straight at the camera – indicative of the behaviour of someone with something to hide – the rotten royal was slammed online and amongst others former royal chef Darren McGrady declared: “His grandfather would have given him a clip around the ear and told him to grow up. The Queen will be devastated, and Princess Diana would, too, if she were here.”
Going further, “royal biographer” Angela Levin referenced ‘Mr Meghan Markle’ as a “child stamping his feet” in the context of the Duke of Sussex’s decision to take his own grandmother and the British government to court over their decision to not give him security protection when in the UK. Levin quite correctly added: “It’s all about ‘me, me, me’ rather than going out of the way for his grandmother and showing he cares.”

I think this entitled pratt is smoking that green stuff again.
I’m not sure why, when he is not a royal anymore, he seems to want all the royal icing that goes with it, without any of the responsibility.
I just finish listening to Yankee’s latest You Tube. Wow! She just blew a cannon size hole into Samantha’s case. She said the Buzzfeed story was accurate and good. Samantha has denied being friends with Wally but she said they have been friends for a long time. The Buzzfeed article made Sam appear unhinged and crazy; promoting fake pregnancies stories, Archie is a doll, Meg picking up eggs in LA. Under Florida law a plaintiff must appeared to have clean hands to collect damages. Yankee’s honesty had done tremendous damage to this case. I don’t think she would ever tell a lie to save SM.