A selection of amusing and odd remarks from the media classes including ones from Benjamin Butterworth, Lady Colin Campbell, Gemma Collins, John Crace, Darren Grimes and Lindsay Lohan
Benjamin Butterworth
The journalist took to Twitter to respond to news that Mark Ronson considers himself a “sapiosexual” and thus “only shags educated women.” Butterworth tweeted:
“Being ‘sapiosexual’ is just having a type. It’s not an equality issue. Nobody ever beat you up in school for fancying women that have read Shakespeare.”
Try telling that to the even more tedious “my pronouns are they/them” Sam Smith.
Lady Colin Campbell
Born of undefined sex I’m A Celebrity… contestant Lady Colin Campbell decided to share her views about the Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein scandal (with The Sun mistakenly referencing the dead paedophile as ‘Jeremy Epstein’) in spite of never having met either man:
“Everything I know about Prince Andrew, and he’s not a friend of mine… His tastes do not run in that direction.”
A highly useful observation that. Well done to The Sun for running such a relevant story. Perhaps they could next ask Brenda From Bristol for her views also.
Gemma Collins
The Only Way Is Essex ‘star’ told The Sun about why she opted to spend £650 per night on a room at The Ritz:
“Princess Diana used to stay here and she is someone that is, for me, the most amazing person on earth. I kind of justified spending out on a room at The Ritz in memory of Diana.”
We are sure the late royal is ever so grateful and we are certain The Ritz must love this fine publicity.
John Crace
In an analysis of the Lord Keen vs. Lord Pannick showdown at the Supreme Court in his Guardian politics sketch, Crace concluded:
“Keen ended up as a puddle on the dancefloor. Pannick mopped him up and helped him into a taxi.”
Spot on. Pannick may soon be doing the same with Boris Johnson.
Darren Grimes
The Vote Leave election manipulator took to Twitter to make a joke about Justin Truddeau. Grimes’ tweet read:
“People are being very unfair and unkind about the Canadian Prime Minstrel.”
Another example of this little brat’s frankly grim sense of humour.
Lindsay Lohan
Drink and drug loving defender of Harvey Weinstein, actress, publicity whore and all-round car crash Lindsay Lohan decided to share her views about dating (after being dumped yet again):
“[I want] someone who hates the spotlight. Seriously, someone who doesn’t have Instagram. And a smart businessman. But I haven’t met anyone that’s hit those marks.”
Any man with an ounce of sense would run a mile. The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammad bin Salman, plainly did.
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I hope The Ritz had reinforced beds.
Mr. Ronson’s preference is further evidence of his consummate good taste. We’re better in bed because we understand and respect the underlying psychology at play during a transcendent act. Literally a mind fuck. By knocking it, you are inadvertently announcing that you haven’t tried it. Warm regards from the riviera!
John Crace was indeed spot on.
Everything I know about Prince Andrew, and he’s not a friend of mine… His tastes do not run in that direction.”
How the fuck would you know Moron??