As Ghislaine Maxwell gets ready for her first telly box appearance since hitting the clink tonight, old chum casino banker Jes Staley gets another very public shaming; Snow White this pair ain’t
Weirder-than-weird wacko Jeffrey Epstein supposedly survived on a strict diet of lettuce leaves. This Ponzi scheming taxi driver turned billionaire of means of curious sources did not drink, allegedly did not take drugs and supposedly abhorred smoking also. Like his fellow non-sweaty teetotal ‘bestie’ Prince Andrew, Epstein “preferred a small circle of friends” and “showered many times a day.” He did, however, like to send emails to his very, very obliging financier Jes Staley containing the very, very telling code words “snow white.”
Jailbird Ghislaine Maxwell, meanwhile, in times happier, was a bit of a boozer. Though vegan, like her caviar devouring daddy, she’s regularly been cited as a bit of a Krug swiller, but if she thinks she’s going to get rewarded with a flute of such after tonight’s forthcoming interview with the repugnant ratbag Jeremy Kyle, she will likely find herself very much mistaken. She’ll be lucky if she gets a glass of Ribena, but what this delusional deviant may well get is a ‘reminder’ visit to her cell from someone associated with the many, many powerful people she’s been until now protecting.
Returning to the alleged enabler of the pugnacious paedophiles Epstein and Maxwell that is Jes Staley, last night in the Daily Mail, the paper’s Tom Leonard asked: “Why DID former Barclays boss visit [the] convicted paedophile when he was in jail?” Leonard highlighted the ‘considerably-richer-than-yow’ Staley and his swivel-eyed heiress wife Debora’s “philanthropy” but also made clear that victims have alleged the deservedly disgraced casino banker to be “one of Epstein’s closest pals.”
One victim, named only as ‘Jane Doe 1,’ has claimed Staley watched on willingly as Epstein “sexually grabbed young women in front of him” and “benefitted from their close relationship in the receipt of massages, private jet flights with victims or co-conspirators of the operation, and other things of value.”
Going further, ‘Jane Doe 1’ added: “[Staley] was the key to making all of Epstein’s depraved dreams of sexual abuse and sex trafficking of countless young women possible.”
Elsewhere yesterday in The Mail on Sunday, surprise, surprise the decidedly dislikable Daphne Barak – a chum of amongst others “she whose husband allegedly slept with Ghislaine Maxwell on multiple occasions” Hillary Clinton and “she who won’t say if she repaid loans from Jeffrey Epstein” Sarah, Duchess of York – was allowed to spin yet another yarn relating to this continually evolving case. In it, this PR-peddler-not-a-real-journalist laughably claimed that the Duke of York has “assembled a £10 million ($12.3 million, €11.4 million or درهم45.3 million) war chest to launch [a] legal case against accuser Virginia Giuffre.”
Citing the proven liar and convicted criminal Maxwell as her source and evidence in spite of the fact the 10th March 2001 photograph taken at the Kinnerton Street, Belgravia mews house has never been proven as anything other than genuine, Barak quoted a surprise, surprise unnamed “royal source” who stated that ‘Randy Andy’ wanted to “prove his innocence in a US court” and whom added:
“He was pressured into settling the case to avoid overshadowing the Platinum Jubilee and has paid a heavy price, personally and professionally.”
“The King is happy for him to pursue this. As Head of State, he can’t back him publicly, but Andrew is still his brother and he wants the best for him.”
Responding in the Mirror, Lisa Bloom – a lawyer for several victims of Epstein and also for Shukri Walker, a woman who claims to have witnessed the Duke of York with Virginia Roberts Giuffre on 10th March 2001 at Tramp nightclub in tony St James’s, London – argued that King Charles III’s brother should “forget it” and “just feel grateful that he is not in jail.”
Going further, Bloom added:
“Prince Andrew signed his name to a settlement. And now he wants out? Forget it. Not going to happen. Nor should it, because the pain he would inflict on Virginia. Leave her alone. Live up to your agreement. Man up.”
In August 2020, Walker declared:
“When I watched the BBC interview and saw Prince Andrew deny knowing Virginia, saying he has no recollection of that night, I had to come forward. Because I was there and I do have recollection of it.”
“He looked like he was having a great time. And he was with this young girl who was close to my own age, perhaps even a bit younger than me.”
“They were not that alone. They were with the woman who has just been arrested [Ghislaine Maxwell], and Epstein. I will never forget that night because I was told this is a real prince.”
“That’s the moment that stood out for me. I don’t think I would have remembered otherwise.”
“I do remember the little girl perhaps was a little bit drunk or just had a weird expression, an awkward expression. But she wasn’t smiling, it was the opposite of smiles.”
Editor’s Note – Unlike as is the case in many publications, this article was NOT sponsored or supported by a third-party.

I wonder if I’m the only one who loathes Ghislaine . Loathing people makes one feel lonely and wrong inside ..wish she didn’t infect me with her every breath.
Terrific article Matthew. You are a treasure
The brother of the
is now being defended by a convicted pedophile. According to all the lists, Spare is now the NYT #1, Publishers Weekly #1, Amazon #1, Indie Bestseller #1. “History is written by those who won.” For the last 6 years there has been a one sided narrative written by the winners: a fact challenged media, the leaking RF and the “unhinged” Markles. It doesn’t matter whether you believe Spare or not. There’s now in the annals of history an alternative narrative on a global level. LA Times: Watching Harry and Meghan beat the press at its own game.(Jan 19, 2023)
Those who won?.THAT is hilarious & the joke of the century. MRS Frosty Todger would be nowhere without the men she used, in more ways than one (allegedly)
. Her dad,her uncle,Trevor E, the entire UK,etc. Sorry UK & BRF supporters about getting stuck with this nobody gold digging,social climbing piece of trash. Extremely ashamed she’s an American!
What does that have to do with Ghislaine the sex addict??
Who is Charles Moore?? and why on earth is he coming to Andrews aid?? How strange these folks that find any sense in Prince Andrews bizarre meandering self defense. I am shocked.