Pictures from ‘The Mirror’s’ Labour Party conference provide illustration just how awful a government led by Ed Miliband would be for Britain
On Tuesday night, The Mirror hosted a party on the set of Coronation Street in Manchester. The guests numbered not only many of the cast but also the Labour leader Ed Miliband and his Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls. The pictures speak for themselves.
Of the event, The Mirror suggested:
“We think Ed’s next visit in TV land should be the stage at Britain’s Got Talent. It would be a yes from us”.
After his terrible conference speech on Tuesday, we can’t say we agree and we doubt the electorate will be backing Ed Miliband either.
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Shame, I like Eddy Izzard who is a great and funny man. Sad about his views on politics.
One word: “NO”.
Ed Milliband is one of the most important and singularly the best asset in the Conservative Party’s war chest. Long may he remain leading Labour. Unless of course Ed Balls wants to depose him – I’m not sure the Labour elite are that stupid though.
I’d rather Ed Miliband than David Cameron. I’m sick of the posh boys who don’t know the price of a pint of milk.
Sadly, if you do the maths a Labour LibDem coalition is the most likely outcome at the next election. Unless the Conservative Party does a deal with UKIP.
Labour just needs to get enought seats so that in coalition with the LIb Dems they get more than 326 seats. It is very much in the LibDems to switch sides next time to strengthen their position as kingmakers. It is hard to imagine the Conservatives increasing their seat count, given the UKIP challenge.
Could it be possible, on a Confidence and Supply basis, that the UUP and PUP plus UKIP support a minority Conservative government but demand the head of the useless Cameron?
They are ordinary people. Is Alistair Campbell back in the house? Alistair had Tony Blair play the guitar and kick balls, he even had Cherie juggle balls. What is it about Balls.
Not an intelligent choice for England, but who else is there?