As Prince Andrew gets support from the dregs of society in the form of disgraced news baron felon toff Lord Black and washed up wastrel daughter of a criminal twerp Lady Victoria Hervey, we suggest he’s truly scraping the barrel
When all you’ve got is scum and dregs defending you, you surely must realise that your game is up and this is the position the money grabbing menace Prince Andrew now most unfortunately finds himself in.
In this morning’s Daily Mail, columnist Richard Eden quoted the disgraced felon The Right Honourable The Lord Black of Crossharbour KCSG as labelling the Queen a “disgrace” for “abandoning” her second son and having “withdrawn from him all of [his] dignities exercised ex officio.”
Going further and attacking the U.S. justice system that found him guilty and sent him down as a convicted fraudster, this brazen buffoon added: “No one could be a more inviting target for such scurrilous abuse of the legal system than a prominent member of the British Royal Family.”
Elsewhere on Instagram this morning, the shameless attention seeking twerp that is Lady Victoria Hervey – a daughter of a convicted criminal and a cretinous individual known for indulging in threesomes and leaving a trail of debt wherever she goes – continues to attempt to claim that the no longer so grand Duke of York is entirely innocent.
As this money grabbing wastrel wench did in the case of Ghislaine Maxwell – to which she was unsurprisingly not called as a witness given she’d seldom even seen the pension pot plunderers daughter since the early to mid 2000s – ‘Lady Herpes’ is now claiming that she’s an expert on Photoshop and that people have “reached out” to her with information that tells the truth of the image of 10th March 2001 taken at the Kinnerton Street residence.
Going further without clarifying if she herself has been on the hooch, this wack job woman – once very accurately branded as “unpleasant” and “a right snob” by the by contrast lovely late Tara Palmer Tomkinson – added: “I would be pissed if I was the Daily Mail right now.” This Poundland Miss Marple, however, neglected to mention that that paper shared since deleted Instagram posts – first published in the media as screenshots by The Steeple Times – that showed her as a bombastic brazen bigot in June 2020. Miaow!
Pictured top (from left to right) – Birds of a Rotten Feather – Convicted criminal Conrad Black and his extravagant wife Barbara Amiel, temperamental money grabbing royal Prince Andrew and convicted sex offender Ghislaine Maxwell and deranged daughter of a thief Lady Victoria Hervey.

Those familiar with what happened to Conrad Black may well disagree with your characterisation of him.
He was caught and convicted. That is all. Him and his wife personify greed and avarice and it ultimately came back and bit in him his not so sorry arse.
James, We are familiar what happened to Conrad Black, he was convicted on three counts of fraud and one count of obstruction of justice in U.S. District Court in Chicago in 2007. He was sentenced to serve 6½ years in federal prison.
That was a wrongful conviction
I like lady V. She’s posh and sexy
Knowing Lady Victoria as I do I find your description of her as rude, vile and hateful. She is a very pleasant woman. She is also very brave to come out and state what she has regarding the Epstein case, knowing that the media would attack her for it. I have nothing but complete respect for her.
And what does she have regarding the Epstein case, Jeff?
If she has any knowledge at all regarding that, she should go to the proper authorities, instead of trying to big note herself and gain publicity with the media.
By the way, that photo of her above, my god, was that Photo shopped as well? that’s one way to clear Bondi beach in less than 5 minutes.
Spot on. ‘Lady Herpes’ knows about as much about Photoshop as she does how to run a profitable business in Motcomb Street, Belgravia.
I am so happy reading The Steeple Times , at last a reliable news source
Yes Dodge! How sensible you sound. She is kicking up dust on Andrews behalf and it is curiously absurd and a little bit dangerous. She is trying to trip up rational develops that habit living in LA.
He should be reinstated
what’s he done wrong ?