Sunday, March 16, 2025

Monster of the Moment 2022 – Vile Ferne McCann Exposed For Attacking Acid Attack Victims

Be sure to follow @ladywhistledown195 on Instagram; you’ll learn plenty about Ferne McCann’s vile views about her acid chucking ex-fiancé and her abhorrent views about his 16 innocent victims

The Instagram account of the moment to follow is undoubtedly an anonymous one that uses the handle @ladywhistledown195. Whether or not the content it shares is genuine has been questioned, but the voice of the person it has recordings of sounds very, very genuine.


In spite of having made just four posts since its first on 28th September, this account has attracted over 66,700 followers. It has come to prominence after using the ‘stories’ function to release voice notes supposedly recorded by ITV television presenter Ferne McCann and boy are they shocking, disgusting and outrageous.


In them, someone believed to be moronic and mouthy Miss McCann – a woman with a child by a menace-not-a-man named Arthur Collins (who is in jail for 20 years for throwing acid over 16 individuals in 2017) – references her ex-lover’s past and her ex-lover’s victims.


Of one innocent victim, Sophie Hall, a poor lady left scarred for life, deciding to enter a beauty contest, a woman generally believed to be McCann is heard to say:


“I don’t know whether to laugh or cry, the silly b*tch has made a dress… A papier- mâché dress out of the newspaper cuttings from the [acid throwing incident] event.”


“She’ll probably win it, I’m not gonna [sic] lie, only because the event and the awards that she has entered or beauty competition, whatever it is.”


‘They’re probably loving all this free press for their event so they’ll probably fix it, she’ll win it.”


Responding, victim Miss Hall has spoken to various publications and variously commented:


“I’m in a state of shock and disbelief.”


“Ferne herself has said before that she struggles with her own appearance. So, to be commenting on how someone else looks –regardless if it was never meant to be heard – is wrong.”


“This is me fighting back and remaining strong. I want them to know we should be proud of our scars because they are a reminder of how strong we are.”


“I would ask Ferne: ‘What have I ever done to you? Why are you targeting me, when all I’ve been trying to do is make a positive out of a terrible and traumatic experience that I sincerely hope no one ever has to go through in their lifetime?’”


“I wanted to have a positive impact and perhaps inspire people and not only build my confidence, but help other victims out there that may be having a tough time and to show that you can still go on and achieve fantastic things.”


“There’s so much to overcome and I’ve found there’s lots of rounds in this competition that you have to take part in and it has helped me rebuild different parts of my life – it’s helped me massively.”


Reporting on the vile notes, the MailOnline’s Joanna Crawley quoted an unnamed ‘source’ who concluded: “Ferne has reportedly been left devastated by the leaked notes and ‘can’t stop crying’ as she has received backlash from fans online.”


Perhaps, instead of crying only after being caught, Miss McCann ought to do the decent thing and stop attacking the sixteen innocent people whose lives were ruined by her ex-lover and ‘baby dada.’


Shame on Ferne McCann and shame on all of those – most especially ITV (a channel that has also given the violent criminal abuser Boy George a platform) – that have and continue to enable this wicked woman to profit from the pain of others. It is time she did the decent thing and that is to learn the art of an apology.


Pictured Top – Ferne McCann and Arthur Collins sold news of their impending-never-to-happen wedding to ‘OK!’ in April 2017 (left) just days before Collins went on the rampage chucking acid over innocent people in a nightclub; later this washed-up-wastrel woman was snapped smashed-off-her-skull (right).


Editor’s Note – Unlike as is the case in many publications, this article was NOT sponsored or supported by a third-party.


Arthur Collins and Ferne McCann Candy Killer
When mentally challenged Arthur Collins decided to hurl acid over people he had utterly no connection to, he wore a T-shirt emblazoned with the words: “Candy Killer.” He wore the same item of clothing previously whilst on holiday in Dubai previously when posing in a Rolls-Royce alongside the warped-of-mind woman he never got to actually marry, Ferne McCann.
Sir Cliff Richard
In December 2018, McCann – who very inappropriately took to Instagram to flog lip plumping primers on the day the father of her child was jailed in December 2017 – appeared on ITV’s ‘Loose Women’ with the creepy Christian crooner Sir Cliff Richard. Her latest scandal involving ‘victim shaming’ presents this wicked woman for exactly what she is – sick, twisted and frankly repugnant.

The injuries suffered by victims of the ‘despicable’ acid attack at Mangle, Dalston, London, E8 on 17th April 2017

In December 2017, then 25-year-old Arthur Collins was jailed for 20 years with an extra 5 years on licence at Wood Green Crown Court. He had been convicted in November that year of 5 counts of grievous bodily harm with intent and 9 counts of actual bodily harm.


At the time, Judge Noel Lucas QC remarked: “Your case has attracted a great deal of public interest. This is because what you did at the Mangle club… was a despicable act” before praising the “extraordinary courage” of victims Phoebe Giorgiu, Lauren Trent and Sophie Hall.


Collins, a vile toerag deemed to have a “low IQ that bordered on a learning disability,” was told “he had demonstrated not the least remorse for his actions, which injured 14 people” before he was deservedly sent down, The Guardian reported.


The graphic injuries suffered by the victims of Arthur Collins…

In December 2017, Neal Baker of The Sun detailed the “horrifying extent of the injuries” of the 16 victims whose lives the deranged deviant Arthur Collins changed forever.


Baker noted:


  • Victim 1: A 29-year-old man, suffered second degree chemical burns to left side of the face, including cheek, eye, eyelids and lips. His wounds extended from right temple and forehead, across the bridge of his nose and into the left eyebrow.
  • Victim 2: A 24-year-old man, suffered third degree chemical burn injuries to the left side of face, ear, neck and shoulder area. One and a half per cent of total body surface area affected. A skin graft was required.
  • Victim 3: A 21-year-old man, sustained chemical burns, to right cheek, lower left cheek, and anterior neck with additional areas to his left check and left arm and hand. Six per cent of the total body surface area affected.
  • Victim 4: A 21-year-old woman, suffered chemical burns, on nose and cheeks extending onto lips, on her left shoulder extending to her left breast. Multiple small blistered areas affecting her neck, upper chest and upper limbs. A corneal abrasion (scratch on eye) with chemical conjunctivitis.
  • Victim 5: A 23-year-old woman, suffered chemical burns, affecting chest, breasts, neck and upper left arm. Three per cent of total body surface area affected. Surgical intervention to treat abscess infection resulting in a further week in hospital subsequent to her discharge.
  • Victim 6: A 22-year-old woman, sustained chemical burns, affecting neck, upper chest, abdomen and lower limbs.
  • Victim 7: A 23-year-old woman, suffered chemical burns, affected forehead and swollen left eye and corneal abrasion.
  • Victim 8: A 29-year-old man, suffered chemical burns, splash marks over his face.
  • Victim 9: A 25-year-old man, sustained first degree chemical burns to right cheek and neck and upper limbs.
  • Victim 10: A 20-year-old woman, suffered chemical burns to right shoulder and back.
  • Victim 11: A 25-year-old woman, sustained reddening and irritation to skin on foot.
  • Victim 12: A 24-year-old woman, suffered chemical burns, splash marks affected posterior and left lower leg. One per cent of total body surface area affected.
  • Victim 13: A 22-year-old woman, suffered burn splash marks on the back of her right leg.
  • Victim 14: A 23-year-old man, sustained chemical burns, corneal injury with cloudiness in the right eye.
  • Victim 15: A 19-year-old woman, suffered chemical burns on her left leg.
  • Victim 16: A 23-year-old woman, suffered chemical burns, splash marks to left arm, shoulder and forehead.


The Instagram posts of @ladywhistledown195…

Instagram 1
Instagram 2
Instagram 3
Matthew Steeples
Matthew Steeples
A graduate of the London School of Economics, Matthew Steeples is a writer and marketing consultant. He conceived The Steeple Times as a media arena to fill the void between the Mail Online, The Huffington Post and such organs as the New York Social Diary in 2012.


  1. Ferne McCann is no prize herself.
    I quite frankly find it unbelievable that she doesn’t know who is releasing these messages…
    Surely she must know who she spoke so freely with and trusted enough to send these nasty voice notes to knowing full well they are saved unless the other person deletes them.
    Regardless, karma is doing what karma does now and she deserves it all.

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