Greedy politician Maria Miller should resign
Nobody likes greedy, out of touch politicians and in Maria Miller MP this week a fine example has been exposed.

Our Wally of the Week is a woman who wrongly claimed £45,000 in expenses yet has got away with having to pay back just £5,800 of this amount. That David Cameron has offered his “warm support” for her in the wake of this also is quite shocking.
If Miller had behaved like this in a private company, she’d have been fired and perhaps even reported to the police. It is time that grasping politicians like her were held accountable. Maria Miller should do the decent thing. Her resignation is the only acceptable option.
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If she’d one that whilst working in the financial sector, she would have been protected. And band for life! Oh well…..meanwhile back at Westminster all is rosy!!
I wish she had made a full explanation in the Commons on why she did not have to repay £45k and make a sincere apology. It reflects very badly on Cameron
Cameron dare not get rid of her as she might have also to resign her seat: plus the fact he needs some State school educated ‘beards’ to show his gov is not elitist
Cameron has always had a ‘judgement bypass’
Jacob Zuma the President of the Republic of South Africa, faced calls for his resignation after an anti-corruption watchdog found 246m rand (£13.73m) of taxpayers’ money had turned his private home into a display of “opulence on a grand scale” amid a sea of poverty. We can’t expect our politicians to live a paupers existence, but they do take the piss when they expect us their constituents to pull in our belts. They should lead by example, and don’t be so hard on the benefit cheats, as they the politicians are not any better. I suggest Maria Miller relocate to South Africa, at least she does not steal on a big scale.
The kind of arrogant creep that gives people an excuse to hate the Conservative Party.
This greedy opportunist, a total disgrace to public service, will eventually be kicked out…………….(Sooner, hopefully, rather than later)