Both blubbing bed sh*tter Amber Heard and boring botherer the Duchess of Sussex should be heard less and ignored more; it is time to cancel these woke wazzocks
Audacious and awful Amber Heard is an actress and so used to be the wicked wench formerly known as Meghan Markle. Here, indeed, is a pair who are very similar and in both of them this week we’ve seen yet more shameless attention seeking.
Whilst Johnny Depp’s clearly crackers ex blubbed in court and was made an utter berk of by Kate Moss over her clear lies, that the Duchess of Sussex decided to visit a town in Texas she has utterly no connection with is just plain wrong.
The grieving families of those so disgustingly shot by a deranged madman do not need or require a visit from a woman who forced her husband to quit his royal duties to seek privacy. Her presence, instead, was nothing but wrong in all senses and that she turned up to profiteer with her camera crew in tow was beyond reprehensible.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex might believe Netflix’s cash to be their future; it will soon be their deserved undoing. Shame on them and shame on bed sh*tter Amber Heard also.

Can anyone solve a problem like ‘MeGain’?
- In November 2021, the duchess was forced to apologise to the Appeal Court in London for making a misleading statement in her privacy case against The Mail on Sunday’s publishers.
- Her very own father, Thomas, has called out her many untruths about him and others again, again and again.
- Of her claiming having got married the day before she actually did, Mr Markle stated: “Lying about the archbishop? How can you say: ‘We’ve been married three days before we got married’? Her lies are so obvious, I don’t know why she says them.”
- Her very own half-sister, Samantha, has called her out as a liar on multiple occasions also. It has been proven that the duchess’s claim that she hasn’t seen her sibling in over 20 years was proven untrue when a photo of the pair 13 years ago emerged.
- Her very own half-brother, Thomas Jr., said of her: “I told Prince Harry, I think she’s going to ruin your life. She’s very shallow… She’s a phony, a bully, a jaded, shallow, conceited woman.”
- The former Meghan Markle has been called out on multiple occasions for spinning stories against other members of the royal family, most especially the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
- Staff who’ve worked for her have complained that she is a bully and investigations into this remain ongoing.
- The Duchess of Sussex is a known manipulator of the press and paparazzis and it has been claimed that she’ll “twist the truth” to get any headline she wants.
- Questions remain as to how many times she’s actually been married in total. Some say twice, some say thrice.
- “Would you trust this woman with a bargepole?” is something often asked of this money motivated minx.
Audacious and awful Amber Heard … love love it xx
If the Duchess of Sussex had wished to support the families of the victims of the Uvalde shootings, she could have sent a donation. Instead, she used this tragedy for her very own benefit. Shame on her….nothing more needs to be said.
This stunt by Duchess Vulture hits a new low –even for her. To shamelessly attempt to boost her own status by intruding on the grieving and horror-stricken people of Uvalde is beyond the pale. To promote herself as a compassionate humanitarian off the bodies of dead children and their teachers while her own father is critically ill and in a hospital not two hours from her home and she ignores him…….there are no words. If this doesn’t open some eyes to what William’s brother and William’s brother’s wife are all about, I do not know what will. It’s just sickening.
We in America have been on to this for a very long time. Many since the engagement. She hogged the entire interview. She wants us to believe she had real tears? Give me a break.REEL tears is more like it. It’s always been all about her. What’s wrong MeGain,hospital where your father is won’t allow your phony cameras? Not sure she can go any lower.
I’m literally nauseated. Please,your Majesty,do.not let her ruin your jubilee. Here’s the irony The more she pulls her stunts,the more she is disliked. Princess Catherine ( yes,I said Princess) as I understand will be once Prince Charles becomes king. Correct me if I’m wrong.. I think.once Prince Charles becomes King, William & Catherine will become Prince & Princess of Wales? Catherine is twice as popular & much more loved here in America. Check any poll, we LOVE Catherine. She’s the epitome of grace,beauty & dignity & the real deal.
Meghan Markle and Amber Heard are two irredeemably ghastly women, both deeply shallow and purely self-interested. Gold diggers, pure and simple.
Lottie, thank you for your evident support for the far more dignified, attractive and restrained members of our Royal Family – much appreciated!
You’re very welcome Richard. Just speaking the truth. Never really knew much about your RF until recently. I’ve learned to appreciate them more. I’m 72 years old & I LOVe the majority of your RF. William.& Catherine are especially 2 of the younger one that any mother or granny would be proud of. I think think we all know much of this is all about insane jealousy of her & William. We Americans know the real deal when we see it. You know the real deal NOT the REEL deal.
Uvalde reporter Kadia Goba-“Meghan didn’t bring a camera or photographer.” This was confirmed by Sue Rankin, Director of the Uvalde Community Center.”She came in the back. They didn’t want you to know she was here. It was not a photo op. I reiterate: Meghan did not bring any cameras with her. She didn’t bring any reporters.” Murdoch has sent Piers on a “six week holiday.” Problems with rating? He cancelled himself with trolling someone he barely knew. Gammon! He supported Boris.
It’s amusing how the people who are tired of MM are the ones who give her the most attention: Piers, Dan W, Daily mail, Angela L. Clout chasing?
Monetizing hate for profit?
Fairness in journalism demands that both sides be given a voice: Piers gave his opinion. He’s not a relative,
doesn’t live in the community. Anthony Martinez still grieving from the murder of his aunt(Irma Garzia, teacher at the school) said this: “Her intentions are pure. She spoke to my mother & offered to help” He’s a victim and his voice should be the one we listen to. I’m asking that you allow the voice of a murdered victim’s love one to be heard?
You sound just like CB. Exact same thing he says. Monetizing hate for profit are his EXACT words. You people call us haters while what you all are doing is the definition of hate. You have anyone who simply disagrees or has a different opinion shut down,banned etc. I don’t believe anyone hates her ,they’re fed up with her lies. Btw,when is CBS’s court date? I hear he scanned a landlord. Whatever happened to his crypto scam? Both sides should be allowed to talk you say? On this I agree. You really need to practice what you preach. Btw, I’ve noticed Matthew allows ALL sides to voice their opinion. Thanks for the humor anyway
Have yourself a good day now!
I just found a you tuber with some very interesting info. She put some inforation out there & dared a certain person to sue her. It would appear a certain individual could be going through some things. Not naming anyone as I’m not sure how much I’m allowed to reveal. So,she says bots create various accounts to argue with themselves. Now that is just hilarious.. This is getting VERY interesting..
Our media frequently uses the Markles to disparage MM. They frequently fail to provide the backgrounds of these ” reliable sources.” TMjr arrested on two DUIs in 2016, 2017 arrested and charged “with holding a gun to his girlfriend’s head.”
He threatened to blow out her brains if she left him.(DM-Jan 2017) Insider 2020-” Meghan Markles brother says she’s the reason he’s homeless.” 2022- posted a now deleted video on his Instagram stating his half-sister “should be killed.” TM on his last podcast: “That is so trashy.” He was talking about Lily’s birthday falling on the same day as the jubilee. Sick and vile! This is his innocent granddaughter. Our media has failed to provide both sides of this dysfunctional family.
I deliberately made my post long to show our media can never claim ignorance. All they need to do is look at arrest records and court documents. 2015- New Mexico court records show Samantha Markle was a “court “substantiated” child abuser. So how can she accuse MM of elder abuse? She “punched, spit, and assaulted” her own daughter. Why is she never asked about this in interviews?
Susan – We allow free speech and expression of support for both sides in this saga, but please could you perhaps condense your ramblings into one rather than many posts? Thank you kindly.
*spotted at
Sorry! Spitted at
2019- Florida’s State Attorney on SM’s complaint on harassment. Pg 3- “this story is fiction and is a shameful and inept attempt to garner more publicity which impinges on the complaint’s credibility.” Since when is someone like this credible?? He’s directly accusing her of lying for money and publicity. Why is she never asked about her own lying in court?
Lololol. Boy,are you working overtime. Perhaps you should give it a rest. I guess the duchess of Lies is the only one allowed to make money. I certainly hope you don’t become ill worrying about & defending that wannabe. I believe on this site you’re skills of trying to change minds is about 0 to none.

Sept 14, 2021- Thomas Markle to Sunrise News: The purpose of the staged pics of him was to “mess up the wedding. I was just part of it.” What decent father would do this for a $1500 down payment and 33% of the profits? TMZ photographed him at the hospital during his alleged “stroke.” The day of his release he was interviewed by the Dailymail. Was he paid? Journalists need to ask these questions. Without fear or favor!
Fear or FAVOR?? hahaha. Good one there sunshine. Poor poor pitiful neglected MeGain.You are so good at humor.

Btw. You mean like Mm uses the media to disparage BOTH families? I personally do NOT believe for a minute Catherine made her cry. I believe the Brf have rules that say,do not complain & do not explain. Someone apparently has had a lot scrubbed from.the internet about her. Way too much was out there
& it can’t all be false. I believe she is a big time bully.
Matthew,thank you for allowing us this platform. It certainly is interesting. I really never knew how perfect & honest MeGain was until I found your site. If only we all could be SO PERFECT. Poor thing as been SO mistreated & misunderstood.

Watching Amber Heard during verdict she looked like one of Henry 8ths wives. She had guillotine face.
Brought on by her desperate dramatic tour d force..she is a tad self erotic. ..and simply exhausting..