David Pun spotted at La Martina event days after ‘The Guardian’ publishes a feature on the “liggers of London”
Last week, The Guardian published a rather pedestrian article about the liggers of London and though it really didn’t reveal very much, it did show that interest in the disgraceful activities of the likes of Denis Doble, Tatiana Giraud and David Pun is continuing to increase.

On Thursday, a reader, Ben Bovill, sent us an image of Pun at a party at La Martina in Jermyn Street, St James’s. That this gift bag loving sort is able to continue to gain access to events is not surprising given his determined approach but that many organisers are still not aware of these vile creatures is. It is time that the names of London’s leading party crashers are more widely shared.
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I applaud your effort enormously
Surely, they add a piquancy and sauce to the mix……..Vinegar and Tabasco Sauce
Not when they help themselves to anything in sight, not when they make false allegations to the police about genuinely invited guests (which in the case of that individual were subsequently spectacularly dismissed), not when they drink booze that they haven’t paid for and not when they stand there telling blatant lies. These are not fragrant people, they’re disgraceful liggers. Their contribution “to the mix” is simply chaos and nuisance.
I once told David Pun to rod off!!!!!!! He didn’t understand me. He is rather stupid and if you look at his food stained shirt you’d soon realise he is not and never was the owner of Harvey Nichols.
Well done Matthew, those leeches should be exposed and shamed, not that this deters them but raises alerts at least for unsuspecting hosts to take notice
Mel Rochester, Debby from Manpower, Toby Evens, Alan Harris and his friend Illeana, Ali the fat bearded guy (he’s a bit slow and he stutters), this big woman Linda Wilcox and her Irish friend Moira, that blonde woman Lorraine from UBS, Gordon Cowen, Cleo and Peter from A-List Events, David Pun, that Assange guy Sergei, the nutty Canadian writer Sandra, South American Anna Pigalle, that Indian bald guy Rakesh Patel (who claims to be doctor), this insanely old woman with a walking stick, Phylisia, that short little bloke Natsi and his girlfriend Frieda, that old wrinkly guy with the red trousers, the wine guy Jay (tall and bald), the Italian Barbara, Mary from Cyprus, that other old woman with the Croydon facelift, Derek, Angela, and that whole group, and I’m sure there are others. Just can’t think of the names.
Linda Wilmott?? isn’t she supposed to be some big-noise with a medical biosciences place or the society of medicine or something? she seems to be everywhere as a p.a booking accommodation for her ceo/looking for venues.
Yes Darren, that’s the one. Linda Wilmott is a beer guzzling serial guzzling ligger. She and her pals will drink your event dry. Can’t miss this greasy, fat woman who is almost always accompanied by the short, dumpy Scottish lass Moira Vance and the equally stout and robust Debbie Hoskins who will fight her way to a buffet and destroy it within seconds. None of these women work in the events industry and Wilmott claims to be director of the nonexistent company Wilmott & Associates in order to obtain invites.
Here’s our list of liggers. Some work, most don’t. Those that do have no any authority for booking or buying. Beware of directors of non-existent companies “virtual” or “freelance” PAs.
Ali Virani
Alun Harris
Angela Connolly
Anne Pigalle
Audrey Brindley
Azahar Hussain
Bebe Bleach
Bill Richie
Carlo Galli
Chris Gaffney
Cleopatra Mylonas
Damy Parmer
David Pun
Debbie Hoskins
Deborah Brick
Denis Doble
Doreen Walford
Elizabeth Jones
Eva Harold
Frida Iggstand
Gordon Owen
Helen Miller
Helena Gorgueira
Holly Claire
Ilana Henderson
Jeanette Grose
Jay Wright
Joanie Suffield
Joyce Stevens
Lam Sim
Lay Tan
Liana Kilmarnovich
Linda Colclough
Linda Wilmott
Lorraine Leaf
Michael Duell
Mandeep Singh Gabhari
Manjit Sanghera
Margaret Jackson
Mary George
Melanie Rochester
Michael Colclough
Moira Vance
Neil Bhatia
Oana Dane
Paul DaSilva
Paul Saunderson
Pauline Mullins
Peter Sharpe
Prakash Patel
Priti Shah
Ray Morrissey
Rosilyn Bullock
Sally Russell
Sandra Shevey
Sergei Abramov
Shantokh Ruall
Sylvia Mason
Tina Henney
Toby Evans
Tracey Kallusky
Umberto Dizenzo
Umesh Patel
Vanda Green
Vicki Sweetlove
Victoria Olatokun
Wendell Abraham
William Green
Yvonne Juchniewicz